
Source: Biden ‘open’ to sending long-range cruise missiles to Ukraine – POLITICO

The Biden administration is “open” to sending long-range cruise missiles to Ukraine, a move that would give Kyiv’s F-16s greater combat punch as it seeks to gain further momentum in its fight against Russia.

The White House’s willingness to give Ukraine the Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile comes as Kyiv’s surprisingly successful ground assault deep inside Russia heads into its second week, embarrassing Vladimir Putin and forcing him to redirect troops from the battlefield in Ukraine.

No final decision has been made on sending the missile, but the administration is working through the complicated details now, according to one Biden administration official. Those issues include reviews of the transfer of sensitive technologies, and ensuring Ukraine’s jets can launch the 2,400-pound missile that carries a 1,000-pound warhead.

The official, along with two other people familiar with internal deliberations, was granted anonymity to discuss sensitive issues.

The Pentagon declined to comment on whether it had approved the transfer of the missile.

拜登政府对乌克兰提供远程巡航导弹持“开放”态度,此举将赋予基辅的 F-16 更大的战斗力,因为基辅正在寻求在与俄罗斯的战斗中获得进一步的动力。 基辅对俄罗斯腹地的地面攻击出人意料地成功,并进入第二周,这让弗拉基米尔·普京感到尴尬,并迫使他从乌克兰战场调动部队。 白宫考虑向乌克兰提供联合空对地防区外导弹。拜登政府的一名官员表示,有关提供导弹的最终决定尚未做出,但政府正在研究复杂的细节。这些问题包括审查敏感技术的转让,以及确保乌克兰的喷气式战机能够发射携带 1,000 磅弹头的 2,400 磅导弹。 该官员以及另外两名熟悉内部审议的人士被要求匿名讨论敏感问题。 五角大楼拒绝就是否批准提供导弹发表评论。

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