
Source: Now Putin’s soldiers start looting their own country: Video shows troops taking advantage of chaos caused by Ukraine’s Kursk invasion to ransack mobile phone shop | Daily Mail Online

Vladimir Putin‘s forces have been caught red handed going on a looting spree in their own country amid the Ukrainian invasion of Kursk.

The Russian ‘defenders’ took advantage of the chaos caused by the stunning cross-border incursion launched by Kyiv‘s forces almost two weeks ago to steal goods from a mobile phone shop.

A quartet of Moscow‘s soldiers are seen helping themselves in a MegaFon store in frontline town of Glushkovo in shocking security footage.

At least three of the four are thought to be from the elite Chechen assault force Akhmat, which was partially responsible for defending the border in Kursk, it is believed.

They smash their way in by breaking a window before spending more than five minutes breaking into display cabinets and filling their pockets with tech.

The group is later seen attempting to break into a storeroom where they suspect more phones are hidden.

They repeatedly batter the lock with a fire extinguisher before kicking the door to no avail.

Eventually, they manage to bust a hole in the door and appear close to opening it when one of the group spots the security camera.

The CCTV footage draws to an abrupt close when one of the fighters smashes the camera.

在乌克兰入侵库尔斯克期间,弗拉基米尔·普京的军队在自己的国家进行疯狂抢劫,被监控拍了下来。  俄罗斯“捍卫者”利用近两周前基辅军队发起的令人震惊的跨境入侵所造成的混乱,从一家手机商店偷走商品。 在令人震惊的监控录像中,四名莫斯科士兵在前线城镇格卢什科沃的一家 MegaFon 商店里抢劫。 据信,这四人中至少有三人来自车臣“艾哈迈特”精锐突击部队,该部队部分负责保卫库尔斯克边境。 他们先打破一扇窗户闯入,然后花了五分多钟的时间破开展示柜,将科技产品装进他们的口袋。  后来看到该团伙试图闯入一间储藏室,他们怀疑那里藏有更多手机。 他们反复用灭火器敲打门锁,然后踢门却无济于事。 最终,他们设法在门上打开一个洞,他们似乎正要打开门时当其中一人发现了监控摄像头。 其中一名武装分子砸碎摄像机,闭路电视录像嘎然而止。
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