英语:被认为是世界上最长寿的西班牙妇女去世,享年 117 岁

Source: Spanish woman believed to be the oldest person in the world has died at age 117 | Fox News

Maria Branyas, an American-born Spaniard considered the world’s oldest person at 117 years old, has died, her family said on Tuesday.

In a post on Branyas’ X account, her family wrote in Catalan: “Maria Branyas has left us. She has gone the way she wanted: in her sleep, at peace, and without pain.”

The Gerontology Research Group, which validates details of people thought to be 110 or older, listed Branyas as the oldest known person in the world after the death of French nun Lucile Randon last year.

The next oldest person listed by the Gerontology Research Group is now Japan’s Tomiko Itooka, who is 116 years old.

Branyas was born in San Francisco on March 4, 1907. After living for some years in New Orleans, where her father founded a magazine, her family returned to Spain when she was young. Branyas said that she had memories of crossing the Atlantic Ocean during World War I.

Her X account is called “Super Catalan Grandma” and bears the description: “I am old, very old, but not an idiot.”

At age 113, Branyas tested positive for COVID-19 during the global pandemic, but avoided developing severe symptoms that claimed tens of thousands of older Spaniards.

出生于美国的西班牙人玛丽亚·布兰亚斯家人周二表示,玛丽亚·布兰亚斯去世,享年 117 岁,她被认为是世界上最长寿的人。 在布兰尼亚斯 X 账户上的一篇帖子中,她的家人用加泰罗尼亚语写道:“玛丽亚·布兰尼亚斯离开了我们。她已经按照她想要的方式走了:在睡梦中,平静地,没有痛苦。” 老年学研究小组负责验证 110 岁或以上老人的详细信息,去年法国修女露西尔·兰登 去世后,布兰尼亚斯被列为世界上最长寿的人。 老年学研究小组列出的第二年长者现在是日本的糸冈富子,她已经 116 岁。 布兰亚斯于 1907 年 3 月 4 日出生于旧金山。在她父亲创办一家杂志的新奥尔良生活了几年后,她的家人在她年轻时回到了西班牙。布兰尼亚斯说,她记得第一次世界大战期间穿越大西洋。 她的X账户名为“超级加泰罗尼亚奶奶”,并有这样的描述:“我老了,很老了,但不是白痴。” 113 岁时,布兰尼亚斯在全球大流行期间检测出新冠病毒 (COVID-19) 呈阳性,但避免出现导致数万名西班牙老年人死亡的严重症状。

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