英语:巴西禁止 X:埃隆·马斯克的社交媒体平台被暂停后,愤怒蔓延

Source: Brazil bans X: Outrage spreads after Elon Musk’s social media platform is suspended | Fox Business

Politicians and many other X users took to the social media platform on Saturday to sound off on their disapproval of the site being banned in Brazil after a court-imposed deadline expired for the company to identify a legal representative in Brazil.

“X is the most used news source in Brazil. It is what the people want. Now, the tyrant de Voldemort is crushing the people’s right to free speech,” Elon Musk, owner of X, wrote following the decision.

The move is the latest chapter in an ongoing feud between a Brazilian Supreme Court justice and Musk, which also included the freezing of the satellite internet provider Starlink’s financial accounts in Brazil, which is 40% owned by Musk.

“The current Brazilian administration likes to wear the cloak of a free democracy, while crushing the people under its boot,” Musk wrote.

In the decision, Moraes ordered the full and immediate suspension of X in the country until all related court orders on X were complied with, including the payment of fines amounting to 18.5 million reais ($3.28 million) and the nomination of a legal representative in Brazil.

In a move to avoid the use of virtual private networks (VPNs) to get around the blockage, Moraes said that individuals or companies who tried to keep access to the social network could be fined up to 50,000 reais a day, which is equal to nearly $9,000.

周六,在法院规定X公司在巴西指定法律代表的最后期限到期后,政治家和许多其他 X 用户在X社交媒体平台上表达了他们对该网站在巴西被禁止的不满。 X 的所有者埃隆·马斯克在决定后写道,“X 是巴西最常用的新闻来源。这是人们想要的。现在,暴君伏地魔正在压制人们的言论自由权。”此举是巴西最高法院法官与马斯克之间持续不和的最新篇章,其中还包括冻结卫星互联网提供商 Starlink 在巴西的财务账户,该账户由马斯克持有 40% 的股份。 马斯克写道:“现任巴西政府喜欢披上自由民主的外衣,却用其铁蹄压垮人民。”  在该决定中,莫赖斯下令立即全面暂停 X 在该国的业务,直至有关 X 的所有相关法院命令得到遵守,包括支付 1,850 万雷亚尔(328 万美元)的罚款以及在巴西提名一名法律代表。 莫赖斯表示,为了避免使用虚拟专用网络 (VPN) 来绕过封锁,试图继续访问社交网络的个人或公司每天可能会被处以最高 50,000 雷亚尔的罚款,这相当于近9,000 美元。

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