
Source: Zelensky: Russian ballistic missile strike in Poltava killed 41 people and wounded more than 180

In Poltava, 41 people were killed and more than 180 wounded as a result of a Russian attack with two ballistic missiles.

According to Ukrinform, President Volodymyr Zelensky announced this on Facebook.

“I received preliminary reports on the Russian strike on Poltava. According to the information available now, two ballistic missiles. They hit the territory of an educational institution and a neighboring hospital. One of the buildings of the Institute of Communications was partially destroyed. People were trapped under the rubble. Many were rescued. More than 180 people were injured. Unfortunately, there are many dead. As of now, 41 people have been reported dead. My condolences to all the families and friends,” the President said.

Zelensky said he had ordered a full and prompt investigation into all the circumstances of the incident.

According to the Ministry of Defense, “the Russian aggressor launched a barbaric attack on one of the city’s educational institutions. According to available information, the enemy used two ballistic missiles. The time interval between the alarm and the arrival of the deadly missiles was so short that it caught people at the moment of evacuation to the bomb shelter.”

One of the institute’s buildings was partially destroyed, and many people were trapped under the rubble. Thanks to the coordinated work of rescuers and medics, 25 people were rescued, 11 of whom were unblocked from the rubble. The rescuers continue their work.

As Ukrinform reported earlier, according to the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, on September 3, Russians attacked Ukraine, in particular with three Iskander-M/KN-23 ballistic missiles from the temporarily occupied Crimea.

《乌克兰新闻报》报道,俄罗斯使用两枚弹道导弹袭击波尔塔瓦,造成 41 人死亡、180 多人受伤(最新数据51 人死亡、200 多人受伤)。 总统弗拉基米尔·泽伦斯基在脸书上宣布了这一消息。 总统说,“我收到了有关俄罗斯袭击波尔塔瓦的初步报告。根据目前掌握的信息,有两枚弹道导弹。他们袭击了一所教育机构和附近一家医院。通信学院的一栋建筑部分被毁。人们被困在废墟下。许多人获救。超过180人受伤。不幸的是,有很多人死亡。截至目前,已有41人死亡。我向所有家人和朋友表示哀悼。”泽伦斯基表示,他已下令对事件的所有情况进行全面、迅速的调查。据国防部称,“俄罗斯侵略者对该市一所教育机构发动了野蛮袭击。根据现有信息,敌军使用了两枚弹道导弹。警报和致命导弹到来之间的时间间隔非常短,以至于人们在准备疏散到防空洞那一刻就被炸了。” 该研究所的一栋建筑部分被毁,许多人被困在废墟下。在救援人员和医务人员的协调努力下,25人被救出,其中11人从废墟中解救出来。救援人员继续开展工作。正如《乌克兰新闻报》早些时候报道的那样,据乌克兰武装部队空军称,9 月 3 日,俄罗斯袭击了乌克兰,特别是从暂时占领的克里米亚发射了三枚伊斯坎德尔-M/KN-23 弹道导弹。

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