
Source: Sorry not sorry, says Mongolia after failure to arrest Putin – POLITICO

Apologies everyone, our hands are kinda tied.

That’s the message from Mongolia’s government after it failed on Monday to execute an international arrest warrant against Russian President Vladimir Putin as he landed in the country for an official visit.

In a statement to POLITICO on Tuesday, a Mongolian government spokesperson said that the country finds itself in a position of energy dependence, rendering it difficult to handcuff Putin on the International Criminal Court (ICC) warrant over war crimes in Ukraine.

“Mongolia imports 95% of its petroleum products and over 20% of electricity from our immediate neighborhood, which have previously suffered interruption for technical reasons. This supply is critical to ensure our existence and that of our people,” the spokesperson said.

Any ICC member is required to act upon the court’s warrants, but Mongolia has not done so. A legal expert previously told POLITICO that Mongolia will likely face prosecution over its inaction.

The European UnionUkraine and international human rights organizations like Amnesty International previously urged Mongolia to act on its obligations.

Heorhii Tykhii, spokesperson for the Ukrainian foreign ministry, called Mongolia’s failure to arrest Putin “a heavy blow to ICC and the international criminal justice system.”

“Mongolia allowed the indicted criminal to escape justice, thereby sharing responsibility for his war crimes. We will work with partners to ensure that this has consequences for Ulaanbaatar,” Tykhii added.

向大家道歉,我们双手被缚。 这是蒙古政府周一在俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京抵达蒙古进行正式访问时未能执行国际逮捕令后发出的信息。 蒙古政府发言人周二在给《政治》杂志的一份声明中表示,该国发现自己处于能源依赖的境地,这使得国际刑事法院很难以乌克兰战争罪为由逮捕普京。 发言人说,“蒙古 95% 的石油产品和超过 20% 的电力从我们的邻近地区进口,这些地区此前曾因技术原因而中断。这种供应对于确保我们和我们人民的生存至关重要。” 任何国际刑事法院成员都必须根据法院的授权采取行动,但蒙古尚未这样做。一位法律专家此前告诉《政治》杂志,蒙古可能会因其不作为而面临起诉。 欧盟、乌克兰和国际特赦组织等国际人权组织此前曾敦促蒙古履行其义务。 乌克兰外交部发言人赫奥希·蒂希伊称,蒙古未能逮捕普京“对国际刑事法院和国际刑事司法体系造成沉重打击”。蒂希伊补充道,“蒙古允许被起诉的罪犯逃脱司法制裁,从而分担其战争罪行的责任。我们将与合作伙伴合作,确保这对乌兰巴托产生影响。”
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