英语:马斯克的Starlink将遵守法官的命令,在巴西屏蔽 X

Source: Musk’s Starlink will comply with judge’s order to block X in Brazil

Elon Musk’s satellite-based internet service provider Starlink backtracked Tuesday and said it will comply with a Brazilian Supreme Court justice’s order to block the billionaire’s social media platform, X.

In a statement posted on X, Starlink said it will heed Justice Alexandre de Moraes’ order despite him having frozen the company’s assets. Previously, it informally told the telecommunications regulator that it would not comply until de Moraes reversed course.

De Moraes froze the company’s accounts last week as a means to compel it to cover X’s fines, which exceed $3 million, reasoning that the two companies are part of the same economic group. Starlink filed an appeal, its law firm Veirano told The Associated Press on August 3, but has declined to comment further in the days since.

Had Starlink continued to disobey de Moraes by providing access, telecommunications regulator Anatel could eventually have seized equipment from Starlink’s 23 ground stations that ensure the quality of its internet service, Arthur Coimbra, an Anatel board member, said on a video call from his office in Brasilia.

The company has said it has more than 250,000 clients in Brazil, and it is particularly popular in the country’s more remote corners where it is the only available option.

Some legal experts questioned de Moraes’ basis for freezing Starlink’s accounts, given that its parent company SpaceX has no integration with X. Musk noted on X that the two companies have different shareholder structures.

埃隆·马斯克的卫星互联网服务提供商Starlink周二反悔,表示将遵守巴西最高法院法官的命令,屏蔽这位亿万富翁的社交媒体平台X。 在 X 上发布的一份声明中,星链表示,尽管亚历山大·德·莫赖斯法官冻结了公司资产,但公司仍将听从他的命令。此前,Starlink非正式地告诉电信监管机构,除非德莫赖斯改变立场,否则它不会遵守规定。莫赖斯上周冻结了该公司的账户,以此迫使其支付 X 超过 300 万美元的罚款,理由是这两家公司属于同一经济集团。 Starlink 律师事务所维拉诺于 8 月 3 日向美联社表示,已提起上诉,但此后几天拒绝进一步置评。阿纳泰尔董事会成员阿瑟·科英布拉在其办公室的视频通话中表示,如果 Starlink 继续违反德莫赖斯的规定,提供接入服务,电信监管机构阿纳泰尔最终可能会没收 Starlink 23 个确保互联网服务质量的地面站设备。该公司表示,它在巴西拥有超过 250,000 名客户,并且在该国较偏远的角落尤其受欢迎,在那里它是唯一可用的选择。 鉴于其母公司 SpaceX 与 X 没有整合,一些法律专家质疑德莫赖斯冻结 Starlink 账户的依据。马斯克在 X 上指出,两家公司的股东结构不同。

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