

Russia’s UN ambassador Vassily Nebenzia told the UN security council on Friday that if western countries allow Ukraine to conduct long-range strikes in Russia then Nato countries would be “conducting direct war with Russia”. “The facts are that Nato will be a direct party to hostilities against a nuclear power, I think you shouldn’t forget about this and think about the consequences,” Nebenzia told the 15-member council

The comments echo words from Russian president Vladimir Putin who on Thursday said any western decision to let Kyiv use such longer-range weapons against targets inside Russia would mean Nato would be “at war” with Moscow. On Friday Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said Putin had delivered a clear message to the west about the consequences of allowing Ukraine to hit Russian territory, and that there was no doubt that Putin’s message had reached those it was intended for

俄罗斯驻联合国大使瓦西里·涅边齐亚周五告诉联合国安理会,如果西方国家允许乌克兰对俄罗斯进行远程打击,那么北约国家将“与俄罗斯直接开战”。涅边齐亚对 15 个成员国的安理会表示:“事实是,北约将直接参与对核大国的敌对行动,我认为你们不应该忘记这一点,要考虑后果。”


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