
Source: Taylor Swift endorsement may turn more voters from Harris than it attracts | Daily Mail Online

Taylor Swift‘s endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris may have turned more voters away than it attracted, according to a new poll.

Findings published by YouGov on Saturday found that eight percent of voters said Swift’s backing is ‘somewhat’, or ‘much more likely’ to sway them to vote Democrat.

While 20 percent said that they are now ‘somewhat’ or ‘much less likely’ to vote for Harris after Swift endorsed her.

But the overwhelming majority of respondents, 66 percent, said that her endorsement made no difference on their voting intentions.

Just moments after the presidential debate earlier this week between Harris and former president Donald Trump, Swift came out and backed the current VP.

The world had been waiting for the 34-year-old Pennsylvania native to weight in on the election, having previously backed Joe Biden in 2020.

In a post to her Instagram page, Swift poked fun at Republicans and included a photo of her cat in a nod to Republican VP nominee J.D. Vance.

Vance had mocked what he described as ‘childless cat ladies’, which the star signed off her post as.

She wrote: ‘I will be casting my vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in the 2024 Presidential Election.’

一项新的民意调查显示,泰勒·斯威夫特对副总统卡马拉·哈里斯的支持可能导致选民流失的数量多于吸引的选民。  YouGov 周六发布的调查结果发现,8% 的选民表示,斯威夫特的支持“在某种程度上”或“更有可能”影响他们投票给民主党。  而 20% 的人表示,在斯威夫特支持哈里斯后,他们现在“在某种程度上”或“不太可能”投票给哈里斯。  但绝大多数受访者(66%)表示,她的支持对他们的投票意图没有影响。  就在本周早些时候哈里斯和前总统唐纳德·特朗普之间的总统辩论后不久,斯威夫特站出来支持现任副总统。  全世界一直在等待这位 34 岁的宾夕法尼亚州人对选举作出选择,她曾在 2020 年支持乔·拜登。  在她的 Instagram 页面上发布的帖子中,斯威夫特取笑了共和党人,并附上了一张她的猫照片,挑战共和党副总统候选人 J.D. 万斯。  万斯嘲笑了他所说的“没有孩子的猫女士”,这位明星在她的帖子上署名是这样的。  她写道:“我将在 2024 年总统选举中投票给卡马拉·哈里斯和蒂姆·沃尔兹。”
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