
Source: Stadium-sized asteroid will pass relatively close to Earth, NASA says | Fox News

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is monitoring a “potentially hazardous” asteroid that is moving past Earth on Tuesday.

NASA told Fox News Digital that the rocky object, which has been named 2024 ON, is 350 meters long by 180 meters wide, which roughly equals 1,150 feet by 590 feet – larger than previous estimates.

NASA has deemed the asteroid “stadium-sized” and reported it was 621,000 miles away from Earth on Tuesday morning, which is considered relatively close. Davide Farnocchia, a navigation engineer at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, told Fox News Digital that an asteroid of this size coming this close to Earth only happens every five to ten years.

Farnocchia, who works at the laboratory’s Center for Near-Earth Object Studies, said that the last time a large meteor entered the Earth’s atmosphere was in Russia in 2013. Earth has not been hit by a meteor of 2024 ON’s size since prehistoric times.

Although the asteroid is close enough to Earth to be deemed a “potentially hazardous object,” Farnocchia said there is no chance the asteroid will hit Earth. The asteroid would need to be within a couple of hundred miles to be a concern.

美国国家航空航天局 (NASA) 正在监测周二驶过地球的一颗“具有潜在危险”的小行星。 NASA 告诉福克斯数字新闻,这个被命名为 2024 ON 的岩石物体长 350 米,宽 180 米,大约等于 1,150 英尺 x 590 英尺,比之前的估计要大。  美国宇航局 (NASA) 认为这颗小行星“有体育场大小”,并报告称它在周二早上距地球 621,000 英里,被认为相对较近。美国宇航局喷气推进实验室的导航工程师戴维德·法诺基亚告诉福克斯数字新闻,这种大小的小行星距离地球如此之近的概率每隔五到十年才会发生一次。 在该实验室近地天体研究中心工作的法诺基亚表示,上一次大型流星进入地球大气层是在 2013 年的俄罗斯。自史前时代以来,地球还没有被 2024 ON 大小的流星撞击过。  尽管这颗小行星距离地球足够近,被视为“潜在危险物体”,但法诺基亚表示,这颗小行星不可能撞击地球。小行星需要在几百英里以内才会引起关注。

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