House Democrats pass bill to change American voting forever – American Thinker

状语从句If you thought the election in 2020 was bad, you’d better reach out to your senator to fight H.R. 1, 定语出价which passed the House last night. H.R. 1 takes every bad idea 定语从句blue states adopted in 2020 — all with an eye to facilitating election fraud and increasing the number of otherwise ineligible Democrat voters — and nationalizes all of them. It isn’t just表语从句 that this bill will mean that Republicans will have an even more uphill battle than usual in every election. It also means 宾语从句that no federal election will ever be trustworthy — and an untrustworthy system is one 定语从句that will inevitably fail.

John Fund says H.R. 1 “is the worst piece of legislation 定语出价I have ever seen in my 40 years reporting from Washington.” According to him, the bill, 状语从句if it becomes law, “would cement all of the worst changes in election law 分词定语made in blue states in 2020 and nationalize them.” He quotes Hans von Spakovsky, 定语从句who summarized some of the worst aspects of the bill. (The link 定语从句Fund gives for Spakovsky is here, but it goes to a dead page.)

• H.R. 1 would make fraud easier by forcing states to implement early voting, automatic voter registration, same-day registration, online voter registration and no-fault absentee balloting

• Degrade the accuracy of registration lists by requiring states to automatically register all individuals on state and federal databases. This would include many ineligible voters, including aliens

• It would require states to allow 16-year-olds and 17-year-olds to register. 分词状语Combined with a ban on voter ID, this would allow underage individuals to vote

• Require states to count ballots 分词定语cast by voters outside of their assigned precincts, a recipe for election fraud

• Mandate no-fault absentee ballots, 定语从句which are the tool of choice for vote thieves, force states to accept absentee ballots 分词定语received up to 10 days after Election Day and force states allow ‘ballot harvesting’

• Prevent election officials from checking the eligibility and qualifications of voters and removing ineligible voters

• Ban state-voter ID laws by forcing states to allow individuals to vote without an ID and merely signing a statement 定语从句in which they claim they are who they say they are

• Create vague and broad language定语从句 that could be used to criminally charge someone 定语从句who questions the eligibility of a voter

• Destroy the bipartisan composition of the Federal Election Commission and places a partisan majority in control of every aspect of our federal elections

• Require states to restore the ability of felons to vote 状语从句the moment they are out of prison

• Force disclosure of names of Americans 定语从句who donate to nonprofit organizations — thus subjecting them to political harassment

• Declare statehood for Washington DC to be ‘constitutional’ despite evidence 同位语从句it is not

• And finally, HR 1 would effectively ban nonprofits from contacting a member of Congress or their staff about pending legislation — a direct assault on the right of Americans to petition their government.

House minority leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy put together a short video explaining some of the other problems with the bill:

Because Republicans are honorable enough (or stupid enough) to believe 宾语从句that election fraud is wrong, the bill is an election boondoggle for Democrats. It is they who are constantly trying to register everyone, from the newborn babe to the murderer to the irresponsible teen to the granddad 定语出价who died decades ago. 动名词Having all those names on the voter rolls, and making them impossible to purge, creates huge vistas for fraud — something 定语从句we saw happen in blue states 定语从句that have already implemented many of these changes.

And 动名词allowing the election to extend indefinitely ensures 宾语从句that Democrats will always win. They’ll just see宾语从句 how many votes they need after Election Day and keep submitting more ballots. Eventually, in self-defense, Republicans will do the same. At that point, citizens can just stop voting at all, 状语从句because elections will have devolved into battles between crooks rather than the voice of the people.

Contact your senators and make let them know that, in the interests of American democracy, you are completely opposed to steps 定语从句that will weaken Americans’ ability to trust the integrity of their elections. It’s not just Republicans who should care. Democrats should, too.

In D.C., the continued presence of the National Guard shows 宾语从句that the Democrats are frightened. They fear 宾语从句that people 定语从句who feel that they don’t have a truly representative government will make themselves heard by other means. 状语从句If the Democrats continue with this mad plan to destroy voter integrity, they will become increasingly fearful of the American people. It creates a volatile situation 状语从句when the government fears the people 状语从句because the government knows that it has done wrong.

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