Are we headed towards cultural doom? – American Thinker

This cancel culture phenomenon 定语从句that’s been foisted upon us is a manifestation of true evil, of both intent and results. I have no doubt 同位语从句that, if it’s allowed to continue unchecked, we will be headed for a fate as bad as that of other once-great cultures in history. 状语从句As soon as freedom and creativity are snuffed out, a culture rapidly begins the process of decay.

One example is ancient Babylon, once the most advanced city in civilization. It, and its broader area, Mesopotamia, thrived roughly 状语从句where Iraq, Syria, and Turkey now sit. This was back a couple of thousand years BC. You’ve maybe heard of the famous Hanging Gardens of Babylon?

Today, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey don’t evoke many images of creativity and scientific progress these days. Hard to imagine that, 2,000 years before Christ, the area was home to a culture 定语从句that created advanced mathematics, codified astronomy, and created sophisticated art and literature. They developed a modern number system (where Roman numerals once were the standard). They developed many of the fundamental elements of physics. Way back in Hammurabi’s time (1792 BC to 1750 BC), the Babylonians developed a complete legal code. 状语从句While a bit more severe than our modern law, many of its principles (for instance that you are innocent until proven guilty) are used to this day.

The finer details of 名词从句how that great culture fell are not important. Fall, it did. Internal political strife weakened it, 分词状语inviting invasion by its enemies, and that cracked it apart. You’ll find plenty of information online 状语从句if you’re curious.

The parallels are not necessarily linear. The point is, 表语从句that we, like the Babylonians, are not invincible. We don’t take seriously the dangers定语从句 we are facing right now. We could easily destroy ourselves, to the point 定语从句where we would no longer have a culture. 状语从句Once our culture fails, we open the doors to invasion. The Chinese, I suspect, will be happy to step in that door.

My friends and family on the left ridicule my worries, but they don’t bother to look at history. They don’t seem bothered by our current lack of integrity as a government and as a people. I’m puzzled that they don’t see past their own noses.

We’re immersing ourselves in some seriously bad ideas and actions right now. All thought and speech 定语从句that doesn’t conform to a made-up standard are silenced. That “standard” changes 分词状语depending on who you are. Trump was hounded for “Russian collusion” 定语从句that never happened; Biden’s Chinese and Ukrainian collusion are studiously ignored, 状语从句as is his son Hunter’s role in it. In fact, it could be argued主语从句 that the FBI’s and media’s suppressing Hunter Biden’s laptop lost the election for Trump. 状语从句When it comes to COVID, WHO’s warped pronouncements on COVID are golden, but actual scientific study and factual findings are suppressed 状语从句even if those findings could have saved countless lives. The list could go on for pages.

Power-mad technocrats and bureaucrats adjudicate all speech, 分词状语weighing the evidence based on their biases, rather than reality. We are setting our culture on a rapid-transit pathway back to the intellectual dark ages.

We have a lot of work to do to fix the problems, and perhaps little time to do so. John Kerry and AOC made dire predictions 同位语从句that we have only 9 or 12 or whatever years until climate change consumes us — which if you believe, I have a bridge to sell you. I predict (and if you think about how fast our decline has happened in the last year, you might just agree) 宾语从句that we have a very short period of time to reverse our current downward spiral before it’s too late and the damage is not so easily remedied.

I think about how rich a culture we have always been, diverse in thought, excited by scientific discovery, excited by the possibilities of our language, of mathematics, of inventing a better tomorrow. Art and science have thrived. We are an inventive society and have accomplished more as a culture than most.

Now we stifle real scientific inquiry in favor of codifying meaningless groupthink. We label Dr. Seuss as dangerous and Cardi B’s obscene gyrations get a G rating. Conservative thought is banned, but child porn thrives. Hollywood funds stuff 定语从句nobody wants to see, but a movie 定语从句that exposes real issues can’t find funding. For that matter, power-mad internet platforms often shut down funding sites 状语从句if the group or project dares to color outside the established progressive lines.

All our energy seems to be directed towards retarding progress, not making it. The election was but one step on our road to perdition. The progressive left is working assiduously to herd us along this road, and the result will be a society定语从句 that collapses of its own dead weight if we’re not careful.

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