The American Police State Is Now Forming – American Thinker

The image of the new wall or fence with razor wire on top定语从句 that now surrounds the Capitol has been floating across the screen of my mind 状语从句since it was erected. Was it erected merely as a response to the horrible events of Jan. 6, and the fear of a right-wing uprising against the anti-Trump Democrats? Recently, this writer had a breakthrough and understood 宾语从句that this wall is actually an austere reminder 同位语从句that we have entered into a new phase of American history: the American police state.

The bombast against Trump-supporters now nicknamed “domestic terrorists”; the marching of Guam national Guardsmen to the office of Marjory Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) as a demonstration of the legitimacy of Guam as a U.S. entity; the rapid overturning of and de-legitimizing of all Trump policies both domestic and foreign; the emplacement of a transsexual as a higher up in the Health and Human Services Department; the encouragement of a “re-imagining” of police work in our major cities; the non-enforcement of federal laws pertaining to border security and legal entry into the USA; and the racial messages about statues, American history, the teaching of American history, and the need to overturn American society and its traditions are not merely challenges and upheavals to be dealt with.

The above partial list of new priorities by the “power elite” are not merely adjustments to social policy or re-adjustments from the priorities of the Donald Trump presidency. Rather, they are the opening steps in the redesign and overhauling of American republican, democratic, philosophical, and cultural beliefs, traditions, and orientations. Governmental force is now moving inexorably to center stage 状语从句as radical ideas — ideas anathema to the majority of the people — are being forced down our throats by the sinister cabal 分词定语running the country 分词状语capitalizing on the drift away from traditional morality. The new immorality tends to drug the masses into a soporific state of ignorance (why think when you can do whatever you feel like doing?).

The drift away from traditional morality weakens the social fabric. This drift leans toward disorder in everyday life. 状语从句Where personal responsibility is diminished by sexual license, laziness, dissipations of every kind, heightened criminality, perversions, diluted respect for private property rights, disdain for acquiring knowledge, and lessened literacy (visual experiences prioritized over literacy skills, logical thinking, and analytic and synthetic thinking skills), we see a lessening of social order and cohesion. And disorder in everyday life leads to government 宾补justifying itself as needed to bring order out of burgeoning chaos. This vacuum produces an authoritarian mindset.

Those governed are seeking increasing structure 状语从句as their ability to sort out the complexities of life grows weaker. And those 定语从句who seek power increasingly do not see themselves as accountable office-holders, but as vultures 定语从句who can prey on the popular need to have life increasingly structured by external strictures. Both parties have agreed to go back to a system of “earmarks” in legislation 状语从句whereby lawmakers can write into legislation special “projects” in their districts. This individualizing of projects is vulturism nakedly put forward because it encourages bribery of legislators by those 定语从句who want to be earmarked by the legislators.

H.R. 1 provides new rules leading to one-party control and laxity in the administration of voting, and H.R. 5 legitimizes the federal government defining sexuality rather than history or biology. These are instruments of totalitarianism. H.R. 1 claims to be needed to offset “voter suppression,” but the cure 定语从句it offers is “voter hyper-inflation” and the destruction of American democracy as we know it. H.R. 5, the Equality Act, enforces interpersonal behavior 低于出价that defies both the biblical norms of identity and the family in effect for the past 3,500 years, as well as universal norms of family life in all cultures and societies obtaining on all continents since the beginning of time. These two pieces of legislation are thus cornerstones定语从句 on which the police state is building the new nation-state called the USA. The police state is a totalitarian state.

SAT exams originally分词低于 established to foster equality and non-discrimination in college admissions are now being abandoned as — imagine — discriminatory, 分词主语giving advantage to Asians and whites over Latinos and people of color. Even a few short years ago, Howard Gardner’s idea of multiple intelligences was being used to challenge the idea of the mind’s executive function, measured by I.Q. tests, as invalid. Because learning is supposedly based on “multiple intelligences,” emphasis in classrooms was increasingly on group work, simple tasks like pasting pictures on colored paper to make booklets, or learning via computer “at one’s own pace” with the teacher present in the classroom to promote student engagement. Teachers are increasingly referred to as facilitators rather than as teachers.

Even without the so-called Equality Act, this writer knows an elementary school teacher 定语出价whose school issued the rule 同位语从句that teachers could no longer say, “Girls line up here, and boys line up here.” A girls’ line and a boys’ line were no longer allowed. Recently, it was noted 主语从句that a school district in California was going to require 宾语从句that students learn about Aztecs in greater detail and that that would include Aztec chants. This follows from introduction of educational reforms following the principles of Paolo Freire, a communist ideologue from Brazil. 状语从句Just as cursive writing has disappeared from the curricula of many of the nation’s elementary schools, we will see cartoons replacing the written word. One friend substituted at one of the supposedly top academic high schools in New York City, and the walls of one classroom were covered with childish cartoon posters glorifying communism and calling for the end of capitalism.

状语从句Although the vulture mentality grows and expresses itself as the police state, the vultures pretend to be enlightened doves, bringing friendliness and meeting the needs — scientifically grounded, of course — for a more safe, clean, secure, intelligent, just, and cooperative environment. However, the wonderful and harmonious environment thus portrayed is backed by an “or else (!)” mentality. Have a peaceful, successful life — our way — or else!

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