Stop Tearing Down Men – American Thinker

It’s Father’s Day weekend. Here in Idaho, the women just finished an annual women’s-only bike ride 定语从句that attracts participants from around the world. At one point, I contacted them on social media to ask 宾语从句if there was a particular reason 同位语从句that this event always falls on Father’s Day weekend. That seems an appropriate opportunity to celebrate fathers and not commit them to observe a female-only charitable event. There are fifty-two weekends in the year, so 动名词selecting this one feels intentional. The response 定语从句I received was a matter of mere coincidence and availability — but my inclination is 表语从句that this is just an extension of the pervasive culture 定语从句that seeks to stifle a celebration of manhood.

Chick-fil-A founder Truett Cathy authored a book 分词定语titled It’s Better to Build Boys than Mend Men. As the father of two young boys, I have come to adopt that ethos myself. Father’s Day is a reminder for me to recommit to that ethos and the ensuing responsibilities. Those responsibilities include being present and available, working hard and setting a good example, and being cognizant of how I treat other people. Most important is 表语从句how I treat their mother.

Though it’s often dismissed as a conservative talking point, there is a negative correlation between fathers and near every malady of modern society. The absence of the father in the household does not portend well for the children. In the U.S., children in a fatherless home are four times more likely to become poor, abuse drugs or alcohol, or suffer from poor mental and emotional health. 状语从句If boys are to become good men, they need to see a good father and that fatherhood is worthy of celebration.

One of the challenges of raising boys in the current environment is 表语从句that popular culture holds differing views of what it means to be a good man or father. It’s been well covered elsewhere, but the fatherly representation in modern television and movies is often that of the bumbling idiot dad and the strong leading mother figure. This caricature of men is reinforced in the children’s programming, 定语从句where the protagonist of every major Disney film of late is a strong female heroine 定语从句who saves the world, despite the failing efforts of a flawed supporting male cast. Take Disney’s Moana, the defiant girl who defeats darkness with love and perseverance. She is unlike her father 定语从句who tries to hold her back, or the arrogant Maui, 定语从句who tries to save the world with brute strength and weaponry. The inherent and softer female traits are good, and the leadership, strength, and courage of men are bad.

Inherently masculine traits have their place and should not be discounted. As C.S. Lewis put it, “[s]ince it is so likely that children will meet cruel enemies, let them at least have heard of brave knights and heroic courage.” There may come a time 定语从句when men are challenged with utilizing these traits in defense of the defenseless, and second-guessing oneself in times of crisis is not an option. As Jordan Peterson stated, “[a] harmless man is not a good man. A good man is a very dangerous man 定语从句who has that under voluntary control.” The ability to employ strength and courage in virtue separates the men from the monsters.

The world 定语从句that my boys will enter is one 定语从句that will at times be hostile to them by no fault of their own. As seen with the #MeToo movement and the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court confirmations, there are some 定语从句who would like to equate the entire male sex with victimizers, whether for personal or political gain. There will certainly be many lessons that have to be taught that most of us had the luxury of not needing, like avoiding false accusations and precarious positions when dealing with relationships. A healthy respect for women will go a long way in helping them to avoid those traps.

In a world 定语从句where boys are falling behind their female counterparts in near every category, from academics to employment, it’s important 主语从句that we not demonize half of the population in promotion of the other half. We should also celebrate unique traits 分词定语found most often in boys and girls, respectively. I believe we make a grave error when we try to build up women by tearing down men. Men are at their best when working in concert with women to build better boys rather than mending broken men.

Brian Parsons is a digital marketing consultant by trade, a proud husband and father, saved by grace, and an unabashed paleoconservative. You can follow him at or find his weekly opinion column in the Idaho State Journal. Gab, MeWe, email.

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