Liberals do have more mental health issues – American Thinker

状语从句When I see an article 分词定语titled “Over 50% of Liberal, White Women Under 30 Have A Mental Health Issue, Are We Worried Yet?,” I’m going to read it. Mostly out of curiosity — is there something to the long-standing joke 同位语从句that liberalism is a mental disorder? Well, turns out, there is.

The article, 分词定语written by Elizabeth Condra in Evie Magazine, focuses on young, white women 状语从句because that is the magazine’s reading demographic. But, upon further investigation of the Pew American Trends Panel: Wave 64 study, it turns out 主语从句that for white women and men, in every age group, there are more mental health issues for liberals than conservatives.

Condra offers few opinions as to 宾语从句why liberals have more mental health issues, such as “an unrelenting focus on oppression, verbal violence, and microaggression.” And 状语从句while I do agree with her analysis, I think it’s an even deeper issue.

Conservatives are inherently more grateful for the country 定语从句we’re born into. It’s in the very name we call ourselves: we want to “conserve” our country. Progressives want it to “progress” into something else.

Conservatives are more focused on micro-values (improve myself to be the best 定语从句I can be) and liberals on macro-values (improve society to be the best it can be). The problem with focusing on macro-values is it’s a lot harder to change society. I have massive influence over my own disposition and perspectives, but I have little effect on society at large.
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Conservatives are more logical. 状语从句As much as I might want to change society into improving, I know 宾语从句that logically I can control only myself and perhaps influence those around me. So I am not depressed 状语从句when my efforts at producing a “utopia” fail.

Conservatives have more traditional values. And, perhaps, those values have been around for centuries 状语从句because they make a happier society, not just due to the evil “patriarchy.” These lies定语从句 that left-wing culture pushes do seem to have a worse impact on women. A few examples: Women are just as capable of having casual sex, with no emotional or physical repercussions. 动名词Having an abortion isn’t killing a life; it’s a medical procedure. 动名词Having a career is more fulfilling than having a family. One should wait to have children, or not have them at all. Your children don’t need a loving father in their life. You can do it all! I have often wondered 宾语从句if liberal women know deep down 宾语从句that these are falsehoods but just want them to be true.

Lastly, the liberal media seem to flutter from one hysteria to the next with little down time. I have heard terms like “eco-anxiety” and “eco-depression,” 定语从句which comes from constant media fear-mongering同位语从句 that the Earth is dying because of humans. Or the daily dose of fear surrounding COVID-19 定语从句that keeps liberals in their homes and not living life. 状语从句If these liberals would just open their Bibles, they could read, The Lord is with me, I will not be afraid (Psalm 118:6). But no, they’ll just turn on CNN.

Danielle Johnson is an author who writes conservative fiction under the pen name Rya E. Byrd. Find her book, Surviving Utopia.

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