Arizona state Senate hearing on audit underway reveals substantial evidence of electoral fraud in 2020 presidential vote – American Thinker

Former President Trump put out a statement yesterday in response to the Arizona State Senate Hearing on the audit underway, 分词状语declaring, “There was no victory for Biden.”

Mimi Nguyen Ly of the Epoch Times sums up the evidence so far of fraud:

Trump in his statement highlighted some points 分词定语raised in the hearing定语从句 that he found significant, including how Cyber Ninjas’ Logan had told senators at the hearing 宾语从句that there was 74,243 mail-in ballots “定语从句where there is no clear record of them being sent.” The data received was via a FOIA request from the county.

Logan said at the hearing, “Just to be clear … there should be more [mail-in ballots] sent out than there are that are received. … we have 74,000 [mail-in ballots] that came back from individuals 定语从句where we don’t have a clear indication that they were ever sent out to them.”

Trump also pointed out that, according to Logan, 宾语从句auditors found 18,000 people who had voted but whose names were removed from the voter rolls “soon after the election.”

Logan also revealed other discrepancies at the hearing, such as how 11,326 people did not appear to have been registered to vote as of Nov. 7, 2020—four days after election day—but their names appeared on the voter rolls on Dec. 4, 2020. There were also 3,981 people 定语从句who voted after registering after Oct. 15, 2020—the Arizona voter registration deadline for the general election.

The former president said in his statement, “They [auditors] also revealed 宾语从句that the voting system was breached or hacked (by who?). Very big printer and ballot problems with different paper used, etc., and MUCH MORE.”

Biden’s margin of victory in Arizona was 10,457 votes, or 0.31% of the vote, so these questionable votes could easily have swung the result.

Andrew White of The National File reports:

Following the explosive hearing on the Arizona 2020 election audit, Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers has now called for “the Biden electors to be recalled to Arizona,” 分词状语adding that a “new election must be conducted” due to the insecurity of the November election.

I fear 宾语从句that George Walsh, writing elsewhere on these pages today, is correct补语 that actually rectifying this and other possible frauds by removing Biden from office 状语从句should conclusive evidence be uncovered will be impossible on a practical level. But that does not mean 宾语从句that there should or will be no consequences. 动名词Demonstrating that the election was stolen will help stall Democrats’ efforts to repeat their steal in 2022 and 2024 and will provoke voter reactions, even with the entirely predictable media cover-up efforts.

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