

https://apnews.com/article/spacex-private-spacewalk-polaris-dawn-e5635c75b15b2f298e426b4992bcde86 A billionaire spacewalker returned to Earth with his crew on Sunday, ending a five-day trip that lifted them higher than anyone has traveled since NASA’s moonwalkers. SpaceX’s capsule splashed down in the Gulf of Mexico near Florida’s Dry Tortugas in the predawn darkness, carrying tech entrepreneur Jared Isaacman, two SpaceX engineers and a former Air Force …

英语:科技亿万富翁首次私人太空行走后返回地球 Read More »


https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3905908-ukraine-will-not-agree-to-freeze-war-mfa-commented-on-bild-publication.html Ukraine does not plan to agree to any “freezing” of the war, and the information of the German publication Bild is not true. According to Ukrinform, this was reported by Ukrainian Foreign Ministry spokesman Heorhiy Tykhyi on the social network X. “No, Ukraine does not plan to agree to any “freezing” of the war. The …

英语:乌克兰不会同意“冻结”战争 Read More »


Source: Taylor Swift endorsement may turn more voters from Harris than it attracts | Daily Mail Online Taylor Swift‘s endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris may have turned more voters away than it attracted, according to a new poll. Findings published by YouGov on Saturday found that eight percent of voters said Swift’s backing is ‘somewhat’, or ‘much …

英语:泰勒·斯威夫特的支持可能会让更多的选民远离哈里斯而不是吸引更多的选民 Read More »


Source: Russia, Ukraine exchange 206 prisoners in second swap in two days Russia and Ukraine conducted a major exchange of prisoners Saturday, 206 in all, in their second such swap in two days, following negotiations mediated by the United Arab Emirates, officials said. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that all 103 Ukrainians returned were from the …

英语:俄罗斯和乌克兰两天内第二次交换206名战俘 Read More »


Source: Funeral of Kyiv rabbi’s soldier son highlights Jewish community’s contribution to war | The Times of Israel Dozens of Jewish soldiers and civilians, together with many non-Jewish Ukrainians, gathered Thursday at Kyiv’s Brodsky Central Synagogue to bid farewell to the son of a prominent rabbi who died on the front weeks after being drafted …

英语:基辅拉比士兵儿子的葬礼凸显了犹太社区对战争的贡献 Read More »


Source: GUR, SOF behind derailing Russian freight train in Belgorod region – source As a result of a joint operation by the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine’s Defense Ministry the Special Operations Forces on September 10, in Russia’s Belgorod region, the “Stary Oskol – Valuyki” railway section was blown up. This was reported to Ukrinform …

英语:乌克兰国防部总情报局与特种作战部队是别尔哥罗德地区俄罗斯货运列车脱轨事件的幕后策划者 Read More »


https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2024/sep/13/russia-ukraine-moscow-kyiv-long-range-weapons-nato-keir-starmer-joe-biden-latest-news-updates Russia’s UN ambassador Vassily Nebenzia told the UN security council on Friday that if western countries allow Ukraine to conduct long-range strikes in Russia then Nato countries would be “conducting direct war with Russia”. “The facts are that Nato will be a direct party to hostilities against a nuclear power, I think you shouldn’t forget about this …

英语:俄罗斯向联合国表示:“北约将直接参与针对核大国的敌对行动” Read More »


Source: California governor signs a bill bringing back harsh penalties for smash-and-grab robberies | AP News California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill Thursday bringing back tough criminal penalties targeting large-scale stealing schemes and smash-and-grab robberies that have fueled voter frustration across the state. The new law requires prosecutors to start imposing harsher sentences again …

英语:加州州长签署法案,恢复对破门抢劫的严厉处罚 Read More »


https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-society/3904944-british-lawyer-roc-part-of-russian-military-machine.html The Russian Orthodox Church plays a direct role in supporting Russian war criminals. This was stated by British lawyer Jason McCue in an interview with Ukrinform. “Because it’s a church doesn’t mean it should be able to get away with murder. It needs to be held accountable,” the lawyer said. “The Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) …

英语:英国律师:俄罗斯东正教会是俄罗斯军事机器的一部分 Read More »


https://apnews.com/article/spacex-spacewalk-private-polaris-dawn-87d4c78853f0249baf29631bedfac749 A tech billionaire performed the first private spacewalk hundreds of miles above Earth on Thursday, a high-risk endeavor reserved for professional astronauts — until now. Tech entrepreneur Jared Isaacman teamed up with SpaceX to test the company’s brand new spacesuits on his chartered flight. The daring feat also saw SpaceX engineer Sarah Gillis going out once Isaacman was safely back …

英语:科技亿万富翁首次完成私人太空行走 Read More »