
What Trump Derangement Syndrome Has Wrought – American Thinker At less than 100 days in, Trump-haters have imposed growing disasters on the country. Trump-hating voters cared about one thing and it wasn’t the success of Operation Warp Speed, a strong economy, or peace in the Mideast. Bad Orange Man must go, the country, our kids’ and grandkids’ futures be damned. And we reap宾语从句 …

What Trump Derangement Syndrome Has Wrought – American Thinker Read More »

Latest Stimulus about Politics, not the Economy – American Thinker Since the pandemic began, the federal government has passed three stimulus packages totaling $5.6 trillion (which was entirely borrowed): including $900 billion in December 2020 and $1.9 trillion in March 2021 (the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA). 主语从句What makes the pandemic spending harmful is the continued growth in debt by: 1) the …

Latest Stimulus about Politics, not the Economy – American Thinker Read More »

The Democrat Party Has Declared War on America – American Thinker The American Left and its wholly owned subsidiary, the Democrat party, has declared war on America by openly and ruthlessly attacking American society, its norms and foundational principles. While they previously had been somewhat restrained in their efforts to transform the nation, any pretense of subtlety has now been abandoned. Consequently, their asinine and …

The Democrat Party Has Declared War on America – American Thinker Read More »

Jealous Dubya Bush emerges a pathetic, bitter little man – American Thinker No, I hadn’t see this news item late last week, about George Bush suddenly not “owing” another president his “silence,” in his string of lip-curling insults 分词定语directed at President Trump. Guess I don’t view him as worth watching much. But sure enough, he had plenty of hateful things to say about President Trump for …

Jealous Dubya Bush emerges a pathetic, bitter little man – American Thinker Read More »

America Has Had Enough of Anthony Fauci – American Thinker Since 1984, Dr. Anthony Fauci has served as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. During that period, his salary has steadily increased. The latest federal government payroll study indicated 宾语从句that Fauci earned $417,608 in 2019. His salary exceeded that not only of the president of the United States, but also …

America Has Had Enough of Anthony Fauci – American Thinker Read More »

Fauci’s Fall from Grace Began a Year Ago Today – American Thinker One year ago today, an article of mine at American Thinker became a flashpoint of mainstream media coverage and criticism. 状语从句Before two weeks had passed, my article was referenced, including with links to it and me in four major articles at the Washington Post, two in the New York Times (one of them on …

Fauci’s Fall from Grace Began a Year Ago Today – American Thinker Read More »

The American Police State Is Now Forming – American Thinker The image of the new wall or fence with razor wire on top定语从句 that now surrounds the Capitol has been floating across the screen of my mind 状语从句since it was erected. Was it erected merely as a response to the horrible events of Jan. 6, and the fear of a right-wing uprising against the …

The American Police State Is Now Forming – American Thinker Read More »

Are we headed towards cultural doom? – American Thinker This cancel culture phenomenon 定语从句that’s been foisted upon us is a manifestation of true evil, of both intent and results. I have no doubt 同位语从句that, if it’s allowed to continue unchecked, we will be headed for a fate as bad as that of other once-great cultures in history. 状语从句As soon as freedom and creativity …

Are we headed towards cultural doom? – American Thinker Read More »

Legalizing election fraud, forever – American Thinker H.R. 1 is Nancy Pelosi’s signature bill, and exploring it is like taking a deep dive into political depravity. A partisan House passed it on March 3, without any Republican votes. 状语从句While it’s currently before the Senate, provided the filibuster continues to exist, it’s predicted to fail. The filibuster’s continuation depends on ethical behavior …

Legalizing election fraud, forever – American Thinker Read More »

Criminalizing Protest at the Capitol – American Thinker For four years, Democrats worked hard to criminalize support for Donald Trump. They investigated Lt. General Michael Flynn, advisor Carter Page, personal attorney Michael Cohen, foreign policy advisor George Papadopoulus, and campaign strategist Roger Stone, among others. Most were arrested for brief periods. None were guilty of anything 分词定语related to Trump, most weren’t guilty …

Criminalizing Protest at the Capitol – American Thinker Read More »