
The Next 24 Hours May Be the Most Important in US History – Will The US Remain Free Or Fall to Corruption and Communism? Soon We Will Know One of the greatest 24 hour periods in US history has arrived.The United States, born in 1776, is now 245 years old. In over more than two centuries of history, perhaps no period is of of greater consequence than the next 24 hour period 定语从句that lies ahead. The US endured Valley Forge 定语从句where Washington’s …

The Next 24 Hours May Be the Most Important in US History – Will The US Remain Free Or Fall to Corruption and Communism? Soon We Will Know Read More »

Los votantes acuden a las urnas para las elecciones al Senado de Georgia Los votantes comenzaron a acudir a las urnas este martes para la segunda vuelta de las elecciones al Senado de Georgia. Las centros de votación abrieron a las 7 a.m. El cineasta Jon Ossoff está tratando de tomar el puesto 形容词副句que ocupó David Perdue hasta este domingo, 景况副句cuando expiró su mandato. Perdue venció a …

Los votantes acuden a las urnas para las elecciones al Senado de Georgia Read More »

Jovan Hutton Pulitzer Confirms Mail-In Ballots Were Received with Votes Already Filled In By Machine Shared via Right News Javon Hutton Pultizer reported宾语从句 yesterday that ballots were received in the 2020 election that were completed by machine. Javon Pulitzer reported yesterday on Twitter宾语从句 that ballots were provided in the 2020 election that he can confirm were filled in by a machine. Of course, this means宾语从句 that these ballots …

Jovan Hutton Pulitzer Confirms Mail-In Ballots Were Received with Votes Already Filled In By Machine Read More »

Some Hard Truths We Face as Patriotic Americans as We Near January 6th – American Thinker Americans have absorbed the truth 同位语从句that the institutions long depended upon for redress are compromised. For years we had always suspected this, but in the aftermath of the 2020 presidential election this has been confirmed with much dismay and sadness. 状语从句While these revelations have been downright traumatic, they have also provided clear insight as …

Some Hard Truths We Face as Patriotic Americans as We Near January 6th – American Thinker Read More »

BREAKING: Patriot Jovan Pulitzer’s Team Is Being Shot At! – After They Were Given Directive to Identify Fraudulent Ballots in Fulton County Shared via Right News Jovan Pulitzer and his team have the ability to save America. Now they are being shot at. Jovan Pulitzer and his team have the ability to determine the validity of millions of ballots in a day. He spoke last week in Georgia and offered to review the absentee ballots …

BREAKING: Patriot Jovan Pulitzer’s Team Is Being Shot At! – After They Were Given Directive to Identify Fraudulent Ballots in Fulton County Read More »

Ted Cruz to Critics of His Proposed Election Audit: ‘Calm Down’ Shared via Right News The left has been ginning up hysteria over the coming vote to challenge the Electoral College tally and it has some people worried about the effort fomenting violence. Sen. Ted Cruz has been a primary target of the Democrats’ wrath. He has called for a 10-day audit of the …

Ted Cruz to Critics of His Proposed Election Audit: ‘Calm Down’ Read More »

Trump Reminded Us What It’s Like to Have an American President Shared via Right News It had been so long 状语从句since we had an American president, many people had forgotten 宾语从句what it was and should be like. And after decades of anti-American, cultural Marxist indoctrination in American schools and popular culture, others thought it was a terrible thing. Neo-Dem Never-Trumper William Kristol tweeted: “I’ll …

Trump Reminded Us What It’s Like to Have an American President Read More »

Altri 11 senatori repubblicani annunciano l’opposizione ai voti del collegio elettorale Un gruppo di 11 senatori ha annunciato di volersi opporre ai voti elettorali ‘ufficiali’ durante la sessione congiunta del Congresso americano, il 6 gennaio. Il gruppo ha dichiarato: «L’America è una Repubblica i cui leader vengono scelti in elezioni democratiche, 说明从句che a loro volta devono rispettare la Costituzione e la legge federale e statale. …

Altri 11 senatori repubblicani annunciano l’opposizione ai voti del collegio elettorale Read More »

Trump Won More Blacks, Latinos, Gays and a “Sizeable” Shift to Trump by Immigrant Populations in 2020 Election Shared via Right News Biden got a record low number of counties in the United States by a supposed “winner” – only 16%. Biden won even fewer counties than Obama: President Trump won more of the black and Latino vote than any of his recent Republican predecessors since 1960. According to The New …

Trump Won More Blacks, Latinos, Gays and a “Sizeable” Shift to Trump by Immigrant Populations in 2020 Election Read More »

Движение против расизма Black Lives Matter — революционное протеже коммунистического Китая

Старший научный сотрудник стратегического исследовательского института Heritage Foundation Майк Гонсалес обнаружил, 补语从句что организация Black Futures Lab, 定语从句которая тесно связанная с глобальным движением Black Lives Matter («Жизни чёрных важны», BLM), финансируется «Китайской прогрессивной ассоциацией» (CPA), 形动词открыто выступающей за КПК. Гонсалес в программе «Американские лидеры мысли» дал интервью и объяснил, 补语从句что именно обнаружил и почему считает, …

Движение против расизма Black Lives Matter — революционное протеже коммунистического Китая Read More »