
Kavanaugh and Barrett: John Roberts Retreads? – American Thinker All that work for, and faith in, Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett! As with John Roberts before, we are once again the victims of unrequited affection and lost labor. Like other Republicans, I expended lots of hours and effort to do my part in getting all three confirmed. I wrote articles, did radio and …

Kavanaugh and Barrett: John Roberts Retreads? – American Thinker Read More »

Warning for America: The Four Steps of Marxist Takeover Were Activated in 2020

Back in July 2020 Scott McKay at American Spectator wrote an amazing piece on the Four Stages of Marxist Takeover. McKay’s report is based on the words and warnings of Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov. It’s been seven months 状语从句since the report was published and the situation today is even more dire than predicted. Even McKay …

Warning for America: The Four Steps of Marxist Takeover Were Activated in 2020 Read More »

Obama comes out of the woodwork, touts reparations for blacks – American Thinker Anxious to get himself back in the spotlight, President Obama came out of his lair, and for the first time, touted support for reparations for black people, owing to the U.S. history of slavery. According to Fox News: Obama said 宾语从句he believes reparations are “justified” and that “there’s not much question同位语从句 that the wealth… …

Obama comes out of the woodwork, touts reparations for blacks – American Thinker Read More »

Our federal ruling class is disinterested in the American people – American Thinker “Theirs not to reason why…theirs just to do or die.”—Alfred, Lord Tennyson, The Charge of the Light Brigade This awful quote refers to a communication error定语从句 that sent a light brigade of 600 men to near certain death during the Battle of Balaclava in 1854. It also reflects the attitude of the megalomaniac class …

Our federal ruling class is disinterested in the American people – American Thinker Read More »

Our Supreme Court Goes Full Nicaragua in PA Election Case – American Thinker For a couple of years, my wife and I escaped Obama’s America by owning a Pacific Ocean hotel in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua. The irony was名词从句 that in supposedly socialist Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega’s government left us alone far more than government did in the supposedly free country of the United States of Obama. …

Our Supreme Court Goes Full Nicaragua in PA Election Case – American Thinker Read More »

Trump en CPAC hablará de combatir a China, deshacer el monopolio de las Big Tech y reabrir escuelas | The Epoch Times en españolón pública desde que dejó la Casa Bhacer-el-monopolio-de-las-big-tech-y-reabrir-escuelas_798506.html El presidente Donald Trump, en su primera aparición pública 景况副句desde que dejó la Casa Blanca, expondrá una visión optimista de Estados Unidos y se centrará en plantar cara a China, reactivar la fabricación estadounidense, desmantelar el monopolio de las grandes empresas tecnológicas, reabrir las escuelas y asegurar …

Trump en CPAC hablará de combatir a China, deshacer el monopolio de las Big Tech y reabrir escuelas | The Epoch Times en español Read More »

Feudalism Is Coming to America, and You’re the Serf – American Thinker We knew 宾语从句that the Biden presidency would be a disaster for America, but how bad can it really be? During his so-called campaign, he never even hid his agenda, and now, with unprecedented overuse of executive power, he pushes it down America’s throat. In my recent article “Feudalism returns to America?,” I outlined some …

Feudalism Is Coming to America, and You’re the Serf – American Thinker Read More »

The first 30 days of Biden’s reign are as bad as we feared – American Thinker We have now been through the first 30 days of this nightmarish Progressivetory (Progressive Purgatory). This, the first month 定语从句that Biden has been placed in the White House by the Progressives (Deep State/Globalists/Socialists). Within this first month that the cabal has instituted its figurehead, we have seen our worst fears 分词补语realized and our timid …

The first 30 days of Biden’s reign are as bad as we feared – American Thinker Read More »

When liberals can corrupt language, they can control conservatives – American Thinker George Orwell, 同位语secular prophet of the 20th century, observed 宾语从句that “if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.” He warned in his enduring 1946 essay “On Politics and the English Language” against “ready-made phrases” 定语从句that invade the mind 状语从句until “every such phrase anaesthetizes a portion of one’s brain.” The invasion of ready-made progressive …

When liberals can corrupt language, they can control conservatives – American Thinker Read More »

Our Dire Future Under Biden – American Thinker We are living in 名词从句what seem to me to be terribly fraught times, 同位语times 定语从句that are even more worrisome than those at the height of Cold War tensions, 定语从句when we schoolchildren were drilled on what to do in case of a nuclear attack–an attack 定语从句that was in fact highly unlikely to occur. Why do …

Our Dire Future Under Biden – American Thinker Read More »