
Fascism is Back – American Thinker Fascists are back in a very big way, and they are not 名词从句who legacy media say they are. They are not 名词从句who big tech says they are. They are not 名词从句who the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and their minions say they are. The CCP itself is fascist, not communist, and has been fascist since …

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Not the America of MLK’s Dreams – American Thinker It’s a shame 主语从句that 状语从句as we celebrate Martin Luther King Day, it is increasingly apparent 主语从句that his dream for “all of God’s children, black men and white men… to join hands and sing… ‘Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free at last’” is more a pipe dream than an …

Not the America of MLK’s Dreams – American Thinker Read More »

What’s Next? Great Awakening or Great Reset? – American Thinker Pick your favorite sports analogy. President Trump is at bat, bottom of the ninth inning, two outs, full count, bases loaded, down by three runs. Or he is at the poker table, across from the entire Washington DC ruling class, all the chips now on the table. Is he holding a royal flush or …

What’s Next? Great Awakening or Great Reset? – American Thinker Read More »

What Do We Do with a Pretend President? – American Thinker I was struck by David Atwood’s “The Right will Neither Forgive nor Forget.” It struck close to home状语从句 because I’m a boycotter. It takes a lot to get me to such a point, but if someone goes through the effort to do so, it sets in hard and deep. I’ve never been an NFL …

What Do We Do with a Pretend President? – American Thinker Read More »

The Cult of Trump? – American Thinker Leftists and their fellow travelers on the right like to talk about the “Cult of Trump.” The evidence 定语从句they present for this theory is nonexistent, as usual. But they’re right to the extent 定语从句that we have had this president’s back more than any conservative president or political leader before him. What’s the story behind …

The Cult of Trump? – American Thinker Read More »

Breaking the Left’s Race-Colored Glasses – American Thinker The Civil Rights Movement reached its pinnacle in the 1960s with the passage of federal laws 定语从句that dismantled segregation, voter suppression, and housing discrimination. Black Americans suffered 100 years of second-class citizenship after the Civil War, and we did our whole populace a tremendous mitzvah in tearing down the legal structures 定语从句that prevented millions …

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Our Mounting Orwellian Nightmare – American Thinker So we are to imagine 宾语从句that those 定语从句who objected to Biden’s having stolen the election are responsible for the violence at the Capitol? And that, 分词状语going forward, any public official 定语从句who questions Biden’s win should be removed from office, and that any corporate leader 定语从句who objects should be fired? All this 状语从句when the truth …

Our Mounting Orwellian Nightmare – American Thinker Read More »

Today’s Big Media Is Like Russia’s Pravda – Totally Dishonest and Totally Committed to the Fascists and Elites Addicted to Power Many of us grew up hearing stories of Russia’s state-run ‘Pravda’ media. We were told it was dishonest and the preferred outlet of the communist party. Pravda was destribed as follows: The Pravda was the Russian newspaper established 1912. It started off as a daily newspaper, but it eventually became the means for propaganda …

Today’s Big Media Is Like Russia’s Pravda – Totally Dishonest and Totally Committed to the Fascists and Elites Addicted to Power Read More »

The Woke Movement is Leninism 4.0: Political Commentator Dr. James Lindsay

The Woke Movement is Leninism 4.0: Political Commentator Dr. James Lindsay Dr. James Lindsay, an American-born author and political commentator, called the “woke” movement promoted by Black Lives Matter and other left-wing activists Leninism 4.0. “Now we have the attempt to apply Leninism to the American context, 分词状语using corporations as part of the toolset, …

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The Trump Era Held Up A Mirror To Our Shattering Culture “The madness of Trump, as bad as it was, it really needed to happen. We really needed a reflection of our world’s greatest problem, 定语从句which is not climate change, but sociopathy and narcissism. Especially in America. It’s going to kill the world. It’s not capitalism, it’s narcissism.” So said songstress Lana Del Rey, 分词状语reflecting …

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