当前反犹太主义反以色列宣传的一个主要特点是“自由巴勒斯坦!”的口号。哈马斯的辩护者将反击 10 月 7 日袭击以色列的军事行动定义为“对巴勒斯坦人的种族灭绝”,因此在世界各地都能看到这种涂鸦。尽管存在这种宣传,但现实是巴勒斯坦人(或者更准确地说是阿拉伯人)在以色列境内比在其他地方更自由。此外,目前加沙地带仅有的犹太居民正在哈马斯的统治下遭到强奸、谋杀或被扣为人质。 甚至最近以色列国防军对意外杀害一个人道主义粮食小组的行为表示谴责,也暴露了一个现实:加沙主权领导人是种族灭绝者,一心要“从河流到海洋”消灭犹太居民。伊朗最近对犹太国家发动大规模攻击,进一步放大了这些野心,这是其每天高喊“以色列去死!”口号的延伸。


One of the central features of current anti-Semitic propaganda against the state of Israel is the slogan “Free Palestine!” One can find this graffiti around the world as apologists for Hamas define the military fight against the October 7 attacks on Israel as a ‘genocide against Palestinians.’ Despite this propaganda, the reality is that Palestinians, or more accurately Arabs, are more free within the state of Israel than any other location they inhabit. Moreover, the only current Jewish residents in the Gaza Strip are being raped, murdered, or kept as hostages within that sovereignty of Hamas. Even the recent expressed culpability of the Israeli Defense Force for the unintended killing of a humanitarian food group exposes the rhetorical reality that the sovereign leaders of Gaza are genocidaires bent upon erasing Jewish inhabitants ‘from the river to the sea.’ Those ambitions were amplified by Iran’s recent massive attack on the Jewish state as an extension of its daily shouted aspirations to deliver “Death to Israel!”

当前反犹太主义反以色列宣传的一个主要特点是“自由巴勒斯坦!”的口号。哈马斯的辩护者将反击 10 月 7 日袭击以色列的军事行动定义为“对巴勒斯坦人的种族灭绝”,因此在世界各地都能看到这种涂鸦。尽管存在这种宣传,但现实是巴勒斯坦人(或者更准确地说是阿拉伯人)在以色列境内比在其他地方更自由。此外,目前加沙地带仅有的犹太居民正在哈马斯的统治下遭到强奸、谋杀或被扣为人质。 甚至最近以色列国防军对意外杀害一个人道主义粮食小组的行为表示谴责,也暴露了一个现实:加沙主权领导人是种族灭绝者,一心要“从河流到海洋”消灭犹太居民。伊朗最近对犹太国家发动大规模攻击,进一步放大了这些野心,这是其每天高喊“以色列去死!”口号的延伸。

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