英语:实时结果和分析:2024 年欧洲大选

Source: European election 2024: Live results and analysis

Voters in the 27 countries of the European Union elected 720 lawmakers to the European Parliament for the next five years on Sunday after four days of voting across the bloc delivered a clear shift to the right.

The parliament has for the past five years been governed by a three-group majority of the centre-right European People’s Party, centre-left Socialists and Democrats and liberals or Renew Europe.

Together they have steered EU policy, which has included the Green Deal and the EU response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and divided between them top jobs at EU institutions.

An initial exit poll published by the European Parliament on Sunday evening showed a clear shift to the right, with hard-right groups adding seats and the centre-right European People’s Party also set to gain. By contrast, the Greens, lost notably in Germany, and the liberal Renew Europe also shrunk as Marine Le Pen’s Rassemblement National trounced the Renaissance party of French President Emmanuel Macron, prompting him to call a snap parliamentary election.

经过四天的投票,欧盟 27 个国家的选民周日选举了 720 名未来五年的欧洲议会议员,欧盟的投票结果显示明显右转。 过去五年来,议会一直由中右翼欧洲人民党、中左翼社会党和民主党以及自由党或“复兴欧洲”这三组多数党领导。 他们共同确定欧盟政策,其中包括绿色协议和欧盟对俄罗斯入侵乌克兰的反应,并在欧盟机构中分享高层职位。 欧洲议会周日晚间公布的初步出口民意调查显示,明显右倾,极右团体增加席位,中右翼欧洲人民党也将增加席位。相比之下,绿党在德国的失败尤其严重,而“复兴欧洲”自由党也因马琳·勒庞的国民联盟击败了法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙领导的复兴党而萎缩,促使他呼吁提前举行议会选举。

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