
Source: Ursula von der Leyen: EPP will form pro-Ukraine majority in European Parliament

The European People’s Party (EPP), which won the European Parliament elections, will build a strong “center” in the European Parliament that will have a clear pro-European and pro-Ukraine position.

Ursula von der Leyen, a lead candidate for the presidency of the European Commission from the European People’s Party, said this in Brussels following the announcement of the preliminary results of the European Parliament election, according to an Ukrinform correspondent.

She recalled that she had been on an active campaign in the past weeks, visiting 17 European countries and more than 30 cities to learn about people’s concerns and worries. According to her, everywhere she heard that citizens really value the European Union, treat it with confidence and trust. The leading EPP candidate thanked the member parties of this political family in the EU for the great work that made this result possible.

“I’ve been working hard to build a broad and effective majority of pro-European forces. My aim is to continue on this path with those who are pro-European, pro-Ukraine, pro-rule of law. And as of tomorrow, this work starts again,” she said.

As reported, the European Parliament election took place in EU countries on June 6-9.

《乌克兰通讯社》记者报道,赢得欧洲议会选举的欧洲人民党(EPP)将在欧洲议会中建立一个强大的“中心”,该“中心”将具有明确的亲欧洲和亲乌克兰立场。 欧洲人民党欧盟委员会主席主要候选人乌尔苏拉·冯德莱恩在欧洲议会选举初步结果公布后在布鲁塞尔发表上述言论。 她说,过去几周她一直在积极开展活动,访问了17个欧洲国家和30多个城市,了解人们的担心和忧虑。她到处都听到公民真正重视欧盟,并对其充满信心和信任。这位领先的欧洲人民党候选人感谢欧盟这个政治大家庭的成员党为实现这一结果所做的伟大工作。 她说,“我一直在努力建立广泛而有效的亲欧洲力量。我的目标是与那些亲欧洲、亲乌克兰、亲法治的人一起继续走这条道路。从明天开始,这项工作将再次开始。”欧盟国家于6月6日至9日举行了欧洲议会选举。

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