
Source: About 90 countries to take part in the Swiss-hosted Ukraine peace summit. Russia won’t attend | AP News

Nearly 90 countries and organizations, half from Europe, have confirmed attending the Swiss-hosted Ukraine peace summit over the weekend, Switzerland’s president said Monday. However, Russia won’t be there.

Moscow has not been invited but says it would not have attended anyway as the conference is based on the peace proposals of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy that Russia rejects.

President Viola Amherd told reporters in the Swiss capital, Bern, that the summit, on Saturday and Sunday, will aim to chart a path toward possible peace nearly 28 months after Russian forces invaded Ukraine and the war grinding on.

“This is not about propaganda,” said Amherd. “This is about the basis of humanitarian aid provided by Switzerland, based on fostering peace (and) to provide a platform to initiate a dialogue.”

The Swiss president said that most participants would be top country leaders, with about half represented at the head of state or government level, and “a handful” from organizations like the United Nations.

French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz are expected to attend the summit at the Bürgenstock resort overlooking Lake Lucerne in the village of Obbürgen.

瑞士总统周一表示,近 90 个国家和组织(其中一半来自欧洲)已确认参加周末在瑞士主办的乌克兰和平峰会。然而,俄罗斯不会参加。 莫斯科尚未收到邀请,但表示无论如何都不会参加,因为这次会议是基于乌克兰总统泽伦斯基的和平建议,但俄罗斯拒绝了。 总统维奥拉·阿姆赫德在瑞士首都伯尔尼告诉记者,周六和周日举行的峰会旨在为俄罗斯军队入侵乌克兰和战争持续近 28 个月后的可能和平开辟道路。 阿默德说,“这与宣传无关。 这是瑞士提供人道主义援助的基础,基于促进和平,并为发起对话提供平台。” 这位瑞士总统表示,大多数参与者将是国家最高领导人,其中约一半是国家元首或政府首脑,还有“少数”来自联合国等组织。 法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙和德国总理奥拉夫·肖尔茨预计将出席在奥布尔根村俯瞰卢塞恩湖的布尔根施托克度假村举行的峰会。

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