最高法院的新巡回法庭的分配Supreme Court’s New Circuit Assignments


America’s federal court system is made up of district courts, 分词known as trial courts, appellate courts, and the U.S. Supreme Court.


The country is split into 13 circuits: 11 regional circuits, plus the D.C. circuit and federal circuit, which deals with specialized issues like patent law.


For example, the 11th circuit is made up of Alabama, Florida, and Georgia.


Each of the 13 circuits, including the federal and D.C. circuits, are assigned to a Supreme Court Justice.


With the new court in session, the circuit assignments have shifted. Justice Sotomayor has taken over the second circuit, previously supervised by the late Justice Ginsburg. As a result, Sotomayor’s previous sixth circuit assignment went to Justice Kavanaugh.

随着新法院的开庭,巡回法院的分配已经转移。 索托马约尔大法官接管了第二巡回法院,此前已故的金斯堡法官监督第二法院。 结果,索托马约尔此前的第六巡回法院分配给了卡瓦诺夫大法官。

Conservative justices Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett will handle emergency appeals from the election battleground states of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin respectively; 状语从句while Justice Elena Kagan will handle the circuit containing the other two contested states: Arizona and Nevada. Kagan is considered a more liberal-leaning justice.

保守派法官塞缪尔·阿里托(Samuel Alito),克拉伦斯·托马斯(Clarence Thomas),布雷特·卡瓦诺(Brett Kavanaugh)和艾米·科尼·巴雷特(Amy Coney Barrett)将分别处理宾夕法尼亚州,乔治亚州,密歇根州和威斯康星州的选举战场州的紧急上诉; 而埃琳娜·卡根(Elena Kagan)法官将处理包含其他两个有争议州:亚利桑那州和内华达州的巡回法院。 卡根被认为是一种更倾向自由主义的大法官。

Typically, justices are assigned to circuits 定语从句where they have previously judged, or to the circuit 定语从句that oversees their home-state.


A circuit justice is primarily responsible for dealing with emergency requests in their circuit. They can span from more serious matters to deadline extension requests. They can also refer to significant emergency requests to the full Court.

巡回法官主要负责处理巡回法院的紧急请求。 巡回法院处理范围从更严重的案例到截止期限的延长请求。 他们还可以将重大的紧急请求提交整个法院。

We have recently seen this in action 状语从句when Justice Alito issued an order as circuit justice for the third circuit. He granted an emergency request by Pennsylvania’s Republican Party and ordered Pennsylvania election officials to segregate ballots 定语that arrived after Election Day.

最近,当Alito大法官作为第三巡回法院的巡回法官发布命令时,我们已经看到了这一点。 他批准了宾夕法尼亚州的共和党的紧急请求,并命令宾夕法尼亚州的选举官员将选举日之后收到的选票分开。

On Nov. 22, the Trump campaign appealed the dismissal of a lawsuit in Pennsylvania.


Rudy Giuliani said 宾语从句that the Trump campaign hopes that “the Third Circuit will be as gracious as Judge Brann in deciding the appeal one way or the other as expeditiously as possible,” 分词adding: “This is another case 定语从句that appears to be moving quickly to the United States Supreme Court.”

鲁迪·朱利安尼(Rudy Giuliani)表示,特朗普竞选团队希望“第三巡回法院将像布兰恩法官一样慷慨地决定(我们)尽快上诉,”他补充说:“这是另一起案例, 正在迅速移交给美国最高法院。”

None of the election lawsuits have made their way to the Supreme Court yet. But both the Trump campaign and third parties have filed challenges in all six battleground states.

尚未有任何选举诉讼进入最高法院。 但是,特朗普竞选和第三方都在所有六个战场州提出了挑战。

Back in 2000, the election dispute between George Bush and Al Gore was settled by the Supreme Court. 分词Considering the number of legal challenges pending, the nation’s highest court may again play a pivotal role in determining the outcome of the election.

早在2000年,最高法院解决了乔治·布什与戈尔之间的选举争议。 考虑到待解决的法律挑战的数量,美国最高法院可能再次在决定选举结果方面发挥关键作用。

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