

https://apnews.com/live/rnc-trump-biden-election-updates President Joe Biden is facing the stark reality that many Democrats at the highest levels want him to consider how stepping aside from the 2024 election to make way for a new nominee atop the ticket could be the party’s best chance of preventing widespread losses in November. It’s a pivotal few days for the president and his party: Trump has …

英语:拜登竞选面临关键时刻 Read More »


Source: Giorgia Meloni: Journalist told to pay damages for mocking Italian PM’s height An Italian journalist has been ordered to pay Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni damages of €5,000 (£4,210) over social media posts making fun of her height. A judge ruled that two tweets by Giulia Cortese, who was also handed a suspended fine of …

英语:记者因嘲笑意大利总理身高而被要求赔偿 Read More »


Source: Israeli parliament votes to oppose formation of Palestinian state The Israeli parliament voted to oppose a Palestinian state as an “existential threat,” prompting Palestinian and international criticism on Thursday. The 120-member Knesset late Wednesday voted 68-9 to pass a resolution that said a Palestinian state on land occupied by Israel would “perpetuate the Israel-Palestinian …

英语:以色列议会投票反对巴勒斯坦建国 Read More »


https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-polytics/3886564-russian-airfields-from-which-bombers-take-off-must-be-destroyed-zelensky.html President Volodymyr Zelensky called on Western leaders to allow the use of their weapons to destroy military targets on the territory of the aggressor state. In particular, airfields from which enemy aircraft take off and bomb children and civilians. According to Ukrinform, the Head of State said this during his speech at the inaugural …

英语:泽连斯基:必须摧毁俄罗斯轰炸机起飞的机场 Read More »


https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-polytics/3886596-european-parliament-reelects-ursula-von-der-leyen-european-commission-president.html Members of the newly elected European Parliament today, during the first plenary session in Strasbourg in a secret vote elected Ursula von der Leyen as the next president of the European Commission for the period 2024-2029. According to an Ukrinform correspondent, 707 MEPs took part in the voting procedure. Among them, 401 deputies spoke …

英语:欧洲议会再次选举乌尔苏拉·冯德莱恩为欧盟委员会主席 Read More »


Source: Paris mayor dips into the Seine to show how clean river is before Olympics | AP News Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo took a dip Wednesday in the Seine River, fulfilling a promise to show that the long-polluted waterway was clean enough to host swimming competitions during the 2024 Olympics as well as part of the opening …

英语:巴黎市长跳进塞纳河展示奥运会前河流有多干净 Read More »


https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-economy/3886092-japan-to-provide-33b-in-loans-to-ukraine-from-frozen-russian-assets.html Japan is arranging to shoulder $3.3 billion in loans to Ukraine as part of support to be provided by Group of Seven members utilizing interest from Russian sovereign assets frozen as part of their sanctions over Moscow’s invasion of its neighbor. Diplomatic sources told this to Kyodo on Tuesday, Ukrinform reports. According to the sources, the …

英语:日本将从冻结的俄罗斯资产向乌克兰提供33亿美元贷款 Read More »


Source: Boris Johnson meets Donald Trump to talk Ukraine | Politics News | Sky News Boris Johnson has met Donald Trump to discuss the situation in Ukraine “at length”. Mr Johnson became the latest former British prime minister to head to the US for the Republican National Convention this week, after Liz Truss arrived in Milwaukee …

英语:鲍里斯·约翰逊会见唐纳德·特朗普讨论乌克兰问题 Read More »


Source: Secret Service ramped up security after receiving intel of Iranian plot to assassinate Trump; no known connection to shooting | CNN Politics US authorities obtained intelligence from a human source in recent weeks on a plot by Iran to try to assassinate Donald Trump, a development that led to the Secret Service increasing security around the …

英语:特勤局在收到伊朗密谋刺杀特朗普的情报后加强了安全保卫;与枪击没有联系 Read More »


Source: Russia Plans to Block YouTube Access | Newsmax.com The Kremlin plans to block YouTube, one of the few remaining ways Russians can obtain uncensored details about the ongoing war in Ukraine and see videos from exiled opposition leaders. A source close to President Vladimir Putin’s administration told Gazeta, a pro-government website, that streaming speeds …

英语:俄罗斯计划阻止问访YouTube Read More »