

Source: Czechia to buy several hundred thousand rounds of ammunition for Ukraine using frozen Russian assets The Czech Republic has acquired another important source of funds, which it will use to finance the supply of much-needed large-caliber ammunition for Ukraine — profits from the assets of the Russian Central Bank frozen in the EU countries. …

英语:捷克将利用冻结的俄罗斯资产为乌克兰购买数十万发炮弹 Read More »


Source: Now Putin’s soldiers start looting their own country: Video shows troops taking advantage of chaos caused by Ukraine’s Kursk invasion to ransack mobile phone shop | Daily Mail Online Vladimir Putin‘s forces have been caught red handed going on a looting spree in their own country amid the Ukrainian invasion of Kursk. The Russian ‘defenders’ …

英语:现在普京的士兵开始抢劫自己的国家 Read More »


Source: Russia’s war casualties in Ukraine exceed 600,000 Russia lost about 600,470 troops in Ukraine between February 24, 2022 and August 19, 2024, including 1,120 soldiers killed or wounded in action in the past 24 hours. The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said this in a post on Facebook, Ukrinform reports. Since the …

英语:俄罗斯在乌克兰战争伤亡超60万 Read More »


Source: Вторжение в Курскую область – The Guardian узнал новые детали Курской операции ВСУ — УНИАН Вторжение в Курскую область России является лишь первым из “нескольких этапов” операции ВСУ. Об этом рассказал The Guardian глава Сумской городской военной администрации Алексей Дрозденко, поделившись некоторыми ранее неизвестными деталями украинского вторжения. Дрозденко рассказал изданию, что принимал непосредственное участие в планировании операции …

俄语:第一天只有15人受伤:《卫报》了解到乌克兰武装部队库尔斯克行动的新细节 Read More »


https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3896325-afu-overcome-russias-superiority-in-manpower-and-equipment-with-operation-in-kursk-region-isw.html The operation of the Ukrainian Defence Forces in the Kursk region illustrates how Ukrainians can use manoeuvre warfare to compensate for Russia’s superiority in manpower and equipment. This is stated in a report by the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), Ukrinform reports. According to analysts, from January to July 2024, Russian troops occupied a …

英语:乌克兰武装部队在库尔斯克地区开展行动,克服了俄罗斯在人力和设备方面的优势 Read More »


https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3896036-in-the-air-at-sea-and-on-land-zelensky-shows-ukrainianmade-weapons-that-destroy-enemy.html Ukrainian defense developments add strength to Ukraine and destroy Russia’s potential. President Volodymyr Zelensky said this in a post on Telegram, sharing a relevant video. “At sea: Neptune, Sea Baby, MAGURA V5. On land: Bohdana, Stugna, Corsar. In the air: Bober, Morok, Liutyi. These are our Ukrainian developments, that clear the Black Sea, add strength …

英语:泽连斯基展示乌克兰制造摧毁敌人的武器 Read More »


Source: ‘Keep up the fight,’ Venezuela opposition leader says on eve of protests Venezuelan opposition leader Maria Corina Machado urged supporters Friday to “keep up the fight” on the eve of protests called against the election victory claimed by strongman Nicolas Maduro but widely rejected at home and abroad. Anti-Maduro protests have claimed 25 lives …

英语:委内瑞拉反对派领导人在抗议前夕表示“继续战斗” Read More »


Source: Musk-Backed Pro-Trump Super PAC Boosts Spending | Newsmax.com The pro-Trump super PAC bankrolled by Telsa CEO Elon Musk plans to kick into high gear in August following a month of reorganization, Bloomberg reported. In July, a political action committee aimed at electing former President Donald Trump received commitment from Musk, who was rumored to have …

英语:马斯克支持的亲特朗普超级政治行动委员会增加支出 Read More »


Source: PM about one year of maritime corridor operation: More than 2,300 vessels entered Black Sea ports Since the launch of the Black Sea maritime corridor a year ago, 2,300 vessels have entered the Black Sea ports of Ukraine. The volume of cargo turnover exceeded 64 million tonnes. Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal said …

英语:海上走廊运营一年:2300多艘船只进入黑海港口 Read More »


Source: Biden ‘open’ to sending long-range cruise missiles to Ukraine – POLITICO The Biden administration is “open” to sending long-range cruise missiles to Ukraine, a move that would give Kyiv’s F-16s greater combat punch as it seeks to gain further momentum in its fight against Russia. The White House’s willingness to give Ukraine the Joint …

英语:拜登对向乌克兰提供远程巡航导弹持“开放”态度 Read More »