

Source: Polaris Dawn: Billionaire takes off for first private spacewalk Billionaire Jared Isaacman has taken off in a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket for what he hopes will be the first ever privately funded spacewalk. The mission, called Polaris Dawn, is the first of three funded by the founder of payments processing business Shift4. He is …

英语:北极星黎明:亿万富翁首次私人太空行走 Read More »

俄语:因战争而离开的乌克兰人中,只有不到 80% 希望返回

Source: Менее 80% украинцев, которые уехали из-за войны, хотят вернуться, – Шмыгаль — УНИАН В начале войны вернуться в Украину хотели 95% граждан, которые были вынуждены выехать за границу, а по состоянию на сегодня – это менее 80%. Как передает корреспондент УНИАН, об этом заявил премьер-министр Денис Шмыгаль во время пресс-конференции сегодня в Киеве. По …

俄语:因战争而离开的乌克兰人中,只有不到 80% 希望返回 Read More »


https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3903971-air-traffic-suspended-in-moscow-airports-overnight-tue-amid-drone-attacks-media.html In the early hours of Tuesday, September 10, the Zhukovsky airport near Moscow came under a drone attack attacked, which forced authorities to close down all air traffic. Vnukovo and Domodedovo airports, also located in the area, banned all landings citing security reasons. That’s according to Radio Liberty, Ukrinform reports. Currently, all three airports have …

英语:无人机袭击致莫斯科机场周二夜间空中交通暂停 Read More »


Source: UN: Taliban’s morality laws targeting women deepen Afghanistan’s isolation The United Nations rights chief expressed his “abhorrence” Monday at the recent promulgation of “so-called morality laws” in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan that silence women or order them to cover their faces and bodies in public. Volker Türk told a U.N. Human Rights Council session in Geneva …

英语:塔利班针对妇女的道德法加深了阿富汗的孤立 Read More »


Source: Ukrainians in Toronto to protest against screening of Russians at War On September 10, Toronto, Canada, will host a protest against screening of the Russian film Russians at War directed by former RT employee Anastasia Trofimova. This is posted on the Facebook page of the event, seen by Ukrinform. The action starts on Tuesday at 14:00 …

英语:乌克兰人在多伦多抗议放映《战争中的俄罗斯人》 Read More »


Source: La líder opositora María Corina Machado aseguró que seguirá en Venezuela tras el exilio de Edmundo González La líder opositora venezolana, María Corina Machado, dijo que permanecerá en el país después de que su candidato en las presidenciales, Edmundo González Urrutia, decidiera exiliarse en España. “Si algo cambia la salida de Edmundo, desde una perspectiva que …

西语:反对派领导人玛丽亚·科里纳·马查多保证,在埃德蒙多·冈萨雷斯流亡后,她将继续留在委内瑞拉 Read More »


https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-polytics/3903657-eu-condemns-russian-elections-in-crimea.html The European Union has condemned the holding of the so-called Russian “elections” in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, particularly Crimea and Sevastopol, and does not recognize their results, which are null and void in legal terms. This is said in a statement by the EU spokesperson published on the website of the European Union External …

英语:欧盟谴责俄罗斯在克里米亚举行“选举” Read More »

英语:俄罗斯 8 月份对乌克兰军队发动了 447 次化学攻击

https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3903681-russia-launches-447-chemical-attacks-against-ukraines-forces-throughout-august.html In August, Russian troops launched 447 attacks against Ukraine’s Defense Forces using specialized munitions containing hazardous chemical agents. Ukraine’s Support Forces Command reported this on social media, Ukrinform saw. It was established that, in total, from February 15, 2023 to August 24, 2024, Russia launched a total of 4,035 attack involving chemical agents. “Next to conventional …

英语:俄罗斯 8 月份对乌克兰军队发动了 447 次化学攻击 Read More »


Source: Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief says Kursk operation weakens Russian maneuvers at front | RBC-Ukraine Ukraine is doing everything possible to prevent the loss of Pokrovsk. The Kursk operation has effectively deprived Russia of the ability to maneuver its forces, according to Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Oleksandr Syrskyi. In response to a journalist’s question about …

英语:乌克兰总司令称库尔斯克行动削弱了俄罗斯前线的调动 Read More »


Source: В Петербурге задержали наблюдательницу, написавшую на бюллетене «Нет войне». «Фонтанка» пишет, что на нее донес член избирательной комиссии — Meduza На избирательном участке в Петербурге, где проходят выборы муниципальных депутатов и губернатора, задержали наблюдательницу Марину Попову, которая, как пишет «Фонтанка», опустила в урну бюллетень с «пацифистским высказыванием». Муж Поповой, также сообщивший о ее задержании, рассказал «ОВД-Инфо», что на бюллетене было написано «Нет войне». Секретарь избирательной комиссии …

俄语:一名观察员因在选票上写下“对战争说不”而在圣彼得堡被拘留 Read More »