
Tucker: ‘Troops Will Never Leave DC; They’re There To Prop Up The Regime’

https://summit.news/2021/03/05/tucker-troops-will-never-leave-dc-theyre-there-to-prop-up-the-regime/ Shared via Right News http://news.rovinemedia.com/app/share/ Phantom threats including “QAnon Inauguration Day” are being used to continue an occupation around the centre of government Tucker Carlson outlined Thursday 宾语从句how Democrats intend to maintain a permanent military presence in Washington DC and will continue to manufacture security threats to keep fear among leftists high. “状语从句When you’re …

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House Democrats pass bill to change American voting forever – American Thinker

https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2021/03/house_democrats_pass_bill_to_change_american_voting_forever.html 状语从句If you thought the election in 2020 was bad, you’d better reach out to your senator to fight H.R. 1, 定语出价which passed the House last night. H.R. 1 takes every bad idea 定语从句blue states adopted in 2020 — all with an eye to facilitating election fraud and increasing the number of otherwise ineligible Democrat …

House Democrats pass bill to change American voting forever – American Thinker Read More »

What Will It Take to Wake Up the Millennials? – American Thinker

https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2021/03/what_will_it_take_to_wake_up_the_millennials.html Memo to Millennials: Free yourselves 状语从句before it is too late. The $1.9-trillion COVID relief bill recently 分词定语passed by the House is a ponderous set of shackles 分词定语being placed on you and your future. Your freedom to act and to choose your own future will be limited because of this gargantuan spending bill. And that …

What Will It Take to Wake Up the Millennials? – American Thinker Read More »

At CPAC, Trump Doubles Down on Populism – American Thinker

https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2021/03/at_cpac_trump_doubles_down_on_populism.html In his CPAC speech on Sunday, former president Trump articulated a populist vision for the future of the Republican Party and for America. At the heart of the president’s thinking lies a powerful message of hope for America’s working people. Unlike the Democrats’ idea of governance by and for the elite, Donald Trump believes …

At CPAC, Trump Doubles Down on Populism – American Thinker Read More »

Trump defines ‘Trumpism’ – American Thinker

https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2021/03/trump_defines_trumpism.html Trump gave one of his stem-winding speeches Sunday afternoon at CPAC, 分词主语talking to a wildly enthusiastic audience for over an hour and a half. One of the most important points 定语从句he made is 表语从句that he has no intention of splitting off from the Republican Party, 定语从句which will bring certain defeat in coming elections. Instead, …

Trump defines ‘Trumpism’ – American Thinker Read More »

Set Yourself Apart from This Corrupt Generation – American Thinker

https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2021/02/set_yourself_apart_from_this_corrupt_generation.html A few years back, Jim Caviezel spoke at a number of venues to discuss his new movie, Paul, Apostle of Christ. Rather than shying away from his Christianity or attempting to filter his words through the lens of pop culture’s censorship, he passionately urged his listeners to become “proud warriors, 分词定语animated by their faith” …

Set Yourself Apart from This Corrupt Generation – American Thinker Read More »

Le terre rare del Canada potrebbero eliminare il dominio della Cina

https://m.epochtimes.it/news/le-terre-rare-del-canada-potrebbero-eliminare-il-dominio-della-cina/ «Il Medio Oriente ha il petrolio. La Cina ha le terre rare», disse, prescientemente, il leader supremo cinese Deng Xiaoping nel 1992. Gli Stati Uniti e il resto dell’Occidente sono oggi completamente dipendenti dalle terre rare della Cina, un termine 关系从句che indica 17 metalli e composti 关系从句che tendono ad essere presenti in concentrazioni così …

Le terre rare del Canada potrebbero eliminare il dominio della Cina Read More »

Conservatives have the tools for a peaceful revolution – American Thinker

https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2021/02/conservatives_have_the_tools_for_a_peaceful_revolution.html Half of America blindly supports the gradual and increasingly obvious move toward socialism. Their leaders either want communism or don’t care much about the future 状语从句provided they gain power 状语从句while they are still around to enjoy it. The other half of America shouts from the treetops宾语从句 that communism is coming and that it’s time …

Conservatives have the tools for a peaceful revolution – American Thinker Read More »

Российский врач назвал причины ночных кошмаров

https://lenta.ru/news/2021/02/27/nightmare/ Врач общей практики, ассистент кафедры поликлинической терапии РНИМУ имени Пирогова Виктор Лунев назвал причины, 修饰句из-за которых люди могут видеть во сне ночные кошмары. Об этом сообщает телеканал «Москва 24». По словам врача, наиболее распространенной причиной страшных снов является переедание, 疏状从句поскольку пищеварительная система вместо отдыха вынуждена работать. «Это стимулирует импульсы, поступающие в кору головного мозга, …

Российский врач назвал причины ночных кошмаров Read More »

Kavanaugh and Barrett: John Roberts Retreads? – American Thinker

https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2021/02/kavanaugh_and_barrett_john_roberts_retreads.html All that work for, and faith in, Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett! As with John Roberts before, we are once again the victims of unrequited affection and lost labor. Like other Republicans, I expended lots of hours and effort to do my part in getting all three confirmed. I wrote articles, did radio and …

Kavanaugh and Barrett: John Roberts Retreads? – American Thinker Read More »