

Source: Exclusiva: EE.UU. incauta el avión de Nicolás Maduro en la República Dominicana Estados Unidos incautó el avión utilizado por el presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, después de determinar que su adquisición violaba las sanciones estadounidenses, entre otros asuntos criminales, y envió la aeronave al estado de Florida este lunes, según dos funcionarios estadounidenses. Se trata …

西语:美国在多米尼加共和国扣押尼古拉斯·马杜罗的飞机 Read More »


Source: Ukraine receives machinery and equipment from Japan under emergency recovery program The Japanese government has donated about 100 units of heavy machinery and equipment to four regions of Ukraine. The Ukrainian Ministry for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development announced this on its website, Ukrinform reports. In addition, utility companies will receive a significant number of generators, …

英语:乌克兰根据紧急恢复计划从日本接收机械和设备 Read More »


Source: Romanian government approves draft law to give Patriot defence system to Ukraine | Reuters Romania’s coalition government approved a draft law on Monday enabling the donation of a Patriot missile defence system to Ukraine and sent it to parliament for a final vote. Romania, a NATO member since 2004, shares a 650-km (400-mile) border …

英语:罗马尼亚政府批准向乌克兰提供爱国者防御系统的法律草案 Read More »


Source: Protests erupt at California state capitol after reparations bills shelved | Fox News A pair of reparations-related bills for the descendants of enslaved Black Americans failed to pass in the California legislature on Saturday after backers said the bills would not move forward. Authored by Democrat state Sen. Steven Bradford of Inglewood, Senate Bill 1331 would have created …

英语:赔款法案搁置后加州议会大厦爆发抗议活动 Read More »


Source: Tim Walz’s Brother Warns America, Backed Trump | Newsmax.com The brother of Minnesota Democrat Gov. Tim Walz has come out with a warning for America, backing Trump and saying his brother is “not the type of character you want making decisions about your future.” “I’m 100% opposed to all his ideology,” Jeff Walz told the …

英语:蒂姆·沃尔兹的兄弟警告美国,支持特朗普 Read More »


Source: Местные выборы в Германии – уменьшится ли помощь Украине | РБК Украина В Германии 1 сентября пройдут местные выборы в двух восточных землях – Тюрингии и Саксонии. Несмотря на то, что эти регионы давно считаются оплотом популистских сил, результаты выборов будут показательны в плане общей ситуации в Германии и отношения немцев к власти. Что важно, …

俄语:德国地方选举对乌克兰援助的影响 Read More »

英语:巴西禁止 X:埃隆·马斯克的社交媒体平台被暂停后,愤怒蔓延

Source: Brazil bans X: Outrage spreads after Elon Musk’s social media platform is suspended | Fox Business Politicians and many other X users took to the social media platform on Saturday to sound off on their disapproval of the site being banned in Brazil after a court-imposed deadline expired for the company to identify a legal representative …

英语:巴西禁止 X:埃隆·马斯克的社交媒体平台被暂停后,愤怒蔓延 Read More »

英语:第二次世界大战 85 周年之际,波兰领导人对比俄罗斯对乌克兰的侵略

https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-polytics/3900967-on-85th-anniversary-of-world-war-2-polands-leaders-speak-of-russias-aggression-against-ukraine.html On the morning of September 1, Polish leaders took part in events on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the beginning of World War 2, the attack by Hitler’s Germany on Poland. In their addresses, the Polish leaders drew parallels with today’s aggression Russia is waging against Ukraine and the need for Poland …

英语:第二次世界大战 85 周年之际,波兰领导人对比俄罗斯对乌克兰的侵略 Read More »


Source: Дроны атаковали ГРЭС к северу и югу от Москвы. В Москве горит НПЗ В ночь на воскресенье в результате атаки беспилотников возник пожар на Конаковской ГРЭС в Тверской области к северу от Москвы. В Московской области беспилотники пытались атаковать Каширскую ГРЭС. В Москве дрон попал в одно из зданий Московского нефтеперерабатывающего завода в Капотне, там возник …

俄语:无人机袭击了莫斯科北部和南部的州区发电厂。莫斯科一家炼油厂起火 Read More »

英语:巴西阻止马斯克的 X 服务

Source: Brazil Blocks Musk’s X Amid Feud With Judge | Newsmax.com Brazil started blocking Elon Musk’s social media platform X early Saturday, making it largely inaccessible on both the web and through its mobile app after the company refused to comply with a judge’s order. X missed a deadline imposed by Supreme Court Justice Alexandre …

英语:巴西阻止马斯克的 X 服务 Read More »