
We Are Not Trump. Trump is Us. I would love to claim credit for this phrase but it was something 定语从句that I heard from a caller on the Rush Limbaugh show on Friday, January 8th. The caller was Teresa from Coconut Creek Florida and you can read her call with Rush here. Her statement is a short and sweet example of …

We Are Not Trump. Trump is Us. Read More »

The Politics of Inoculation – American Thinker One week before Christmas, pharmaceutical giant Pfizer accused the Trump administration of stalling the shipment of millions of COVID vaccine doses. Why would a president 定语从句who spent the better part of a year pulling his beloved country back from the brink of a global pandemic, invested billions into research to produce several vaccines, fast-tracked …

The Politics of Inoculation – American Thinker Read More »

‘Resexualizing Necrophilia’: A Look at What Your Kids’ College Professors Care About – American Thinker Ever since its founding in 1883, the Modern Language Association has been considered the leading professional group for college faculty in language and literature. Each year, it holds a meeting — this year virtual, but 分词featuring the same weary dissection of liberal issues as in all recent years. Last year’s meeting in Seattle was …

‘Resexualizing Necrophilia’: A Look at What Your Kids’ College Professors Care About – American Thinker Read More »

Pompeo rimuove tutte le restrizioni alla diplomazia tra gli Stati Uniti e Taiwan Gli Stati Uniti rimuoveranno tutte le «restrizioni autoimposte» nei loro rapporti con i funzionari taiwanesi. Lo ha annunciato il 9 gennaio il segretario di Stato Mike Pompeo, 副动词ponendo le basi per delle relazioni più strette con l’isola democratica. L’annuncio, 分词fatto durante gli ultimi giorni del mandato del presidente Donald Trump, segna l’ultima mossa per …

Pompeo rimuove tutte le restrizioni alla diplomazia tra gli Stati Uniti e Taiwan Read More »

Twenty-First Century Rules for Revolutionaries – American Thinker Since George Floyd’s death, events seem to be spiraling out of control. For weeks, Americans were bombarded, almost on a daily basis, with reports of large protests in major cities, 分词accompanied by rioting, looting, burning, assaults, and even murders. 分词状语Observing these events unfold, average U.S. citizens, 分词状语watching TV from the purported safety of their …

Twenty-First Century Rules for Revolutionaries – American Thinker Read More »

EXCLUSIVE: TGP Interview with Jovan Hutton Pulitzer Reveals Disturbing Experience with Hannity’s Producer When He Attempted to Share Solution to Save America (Audio) The Gateway Pundit interview with the man 定语从句who can save America.We reported on Mr. Jovan Hutton Pulitzer 状语从句when we first heard of him. His ideas, we thought, could 不定式谓语save this country: The dilemma in the US today is that there are 75 million Americans 定语从句who don’t believe 宾语从句the November election was a fair election. …

EXCLUSIVE: TGP Interview with Jovan Hutton Pulitzer Reveals Disturbing Experience with Hannity’s Producer When He Attempted to Share Solution to Save America (Audio) Read More »

Donald Trump Jr. wütet gegen Twitter – Gründet der Vater neue Plattform? Donald Trump Junior zeigt sich entsetzt über die permanente Sperrung seines Vaters auf Twitter und trifft Vorkehrungen für den Fall einer eigenen Sperrung. Donald Trump* muss auf Twitter, Facebook und Instragram verzichten.Die Social Media-Plattformen sperren die Accounts des US-Präsidenten. Twitter und Co. reagieren mit der Sperre auf die gewalttätigen Ausschreitungen in Washington D. C. …

Donald Trump Jr. wütet gegen Twitter – Gründet der Vater neue Plattform? Read More »

«Твиттер» навсегда удалил аккаунт Трампа. Но тот не намерен молчать «75 миллионов великих американских патриотов, 形动词проголосовавших за меня, “Америка прежде всего” и “Сделаем Америку снова великой” — их МОЩНЫЙ ГОЛОС надолго сохранится. С ними не будут обращаться неуважительно или несправедливо никоим образом, ни в какой форме!!!», — написал Трамп в пятницу утром. Позже президент сообщил, 补语从句что не будет присутствовать на инаугурации Байдена 20 января. …

«Твиттер» навсегда удалил аккаунт Трампа. Но тот не намерен молчать Read More »

El Congreso certifica los votos electorales a favor de Biden El Congreso certificó el jueves el voto del Colegio Electoral de EE. UU. a favor de Joe Biden en unas elecciones 分词ensombrecidas por una serie de acusaciones de irregularidades y fraude electoral. En un recuento 分词leído por el vicepresidente Mike Pence, Biden obtuvo 306 votos electorales 副词副句mientras que el presidente Donald Trump ganó 232. …

El Congreso certifica los votos electorales a favor de Biden Read More »

Totalitarisme ou liberté: il est temps de choisir son camp La crise politique 形容词从句à laquelle les États-Unis sont confrontés met en évidence un combat au niveau des choix des citoyens. Aussi importantes 副词从句que soient ces récentes élections, les enjeux dépassent les particularismes politiques. Ils touchent dorénavant à des questions fondamentales 形容词从句sur lesquelles chaque citoyen du monde doit se positionner et prendre part. Fait notable …

Totalitarisme ou liberté: il est temps de choisir son camp Read More »