

Source: Foreign Minister Urges NATO Expel Turkey Over Threat to Enter Israel | Newsmax.com Israel’s foreign minister urged NATO to expel Turkey on Monday after its President Tayyip Erdogan threatened his country might enter Israel as it had entered Libya and Nagorno-Karabakh in the past. Erdogan, a fierce critic of Israel’s war against Hamas in …

以色列外长敦促北约驱逐土耳其 Read More »


Source: Venezuela’s electoral body declares President Maduro winner | AP News Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro was formally declared the winner of his country’s disputed presidential election Monday, a day after the political opposition and the entrenched incumbent both claimed victory in the contest. The National Electoral Council, which is loyal to Maduro’s ruling party, announced …

英语:委内瑞拉选举机构宣布总统马杜罗获胜 Read More »


https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/29/us/politics/biden-supreme-court-austin-texas.html The president has proposed overhauling a court that has become increasingly politicized. The effort requires congressional approval, which would be a long shot with a Republican-controlled House and a divided Senate. President Biden said on Monday he was pushing for legislation that would bring major changes to the Supreme Court, including imposing term limits …

英语:拜登呼吁最高法院改革 Read More »


Source: Mali rebels offer to hand over captured Wagnerites to Ukraine The Tuareg rebels (CSP-PSD) in the north of the African country of Mali, who defeated a large group of Wagnerites and captured a significant number of militants, offered to hand them over to the Ukrainian side. According to Ukrinform, this is stated in a …

英语:马里叛军提出将俘获的瓦格纳分子移交给乌克兰 Read More »


Source: Israeli Poll: Netanyahu Leads Bennett, Lapid, Gantz | Newsmax.com A new poll in Israel shows that Israelis believe Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is better suited to lead their country than the three main challengers for his seat. The poll, taken by Channel 12 news, shows Netanyahu came out on top in head-to-head matchups between …

英语:以色列民意调查:内塔尼亚胡领先贝内特、拉皮德、甘茨 Read More »


Source: How Hungary and Slovakia might retaliate against Ukraine for sanctioning Lukoil | European Pravda Kyiv has expanded sanctions against the Russian company Lukoil. While previously Ukrainian sanctions against this company only affected financial operations, a transit ban has recently been added. This decision has angered Hungary and Slovakia. There have even been threats to …

英语:匈牙利和斯洛伐克可能报复乌克兰制裁卢克石油公司 Read More »


  https://www.newsmax.com/politics/newsom-crime-police/2024/07/26/id/1174159/ Democrat California Gov. Gavin Newsom pleaded with officials in his state to change their policy regarding criminal chases amid a skyrocketing crime spree, reported The Daily Caller. Newsom sent a letter to Oakland officials, including the city’s mayor, police department, and city council, imploring them to take a harder line on crime and …

英语:加利福尼亚州州长纽森恳求奥克兰警方进行更多追捕 Read More »


Source: ‘Attack on Christianity!’ Fury as Paris Olympics reimagine The Last Supper as DRAG – ‘They wouldn’t do this to Islam!’ The Opening Ceremony of the Paris Olympics sparked outrage last night after the iconic painting of The Last Supper was reimagined by drag queens. The reenactment of the famous painting, that shows Jesus’s last …

英语:这是对基督教的攻击! Read More »


Source: Prince William declined to reveal what he’s paid in taxes, breaking King Charles’ 30-year tradition | Fox News Prince William has declined to reveal what he paid in taxes for the 2023 to 2024 financial year – a tradition that King Charles has partaken in for 30 years. On Wednesday, the Duchy of Cornwall published …

英语:威廉王子拒绝透露他缴纳的税款,打破了查尔斯国王30年的传统 Read More »

英语:Lady Gaga在奥运会开幕式上演唱了哪首法语歌曲?

Source: What French song did Lady Gaga perform at the Olympics opening ceremony? | AP News Lady Gaga delivered a dazzling performance as the first musical act during the Paris Olympics 2024 opening ceremony — except it was all prerecorded. The Grammy- and Oscar-winning performer kicked off her performance on steps along the Seine River, …

英语:Lady Gaga在奥运会开幕式上演唱了哪首法语歌曲? Read More »