

Source: Guerre en Ukraine : le plan secret du Kremlin pour s’approvisionner en matériel de guerre en Inde – ladepeche.fr La Russie aurait contourné les sanctions occidentales en procédant à l’acquisition secrète de produits sensibles en Inde afin de contribuer à son effort de guerre, selon une information exclusive du Financial Times. Le Kremlin aurait également envisagé d’y construire des …

法语:克里姆林宫从印度采购战争物资的秘密计划 Read More »

俄语:德国为乌克兰再订购 17 套 IRIS-T 防空系统

Source: Германия заказала еще 17 систем ПВО IRIS-T для Украины, – Шольц — УНИАН Канцлер Олаф Шольц принял поставку усовершенствованной системы ПВО IRIS-T для немецких вооруженных сил и подтвердил заказы еще на пять, а также на дополнительные 17 единиц для Украины, чтобы помочь отразить российские атаки. Выступая в среду на авиабазе на северном побережье недалеко от Киля, …

俄语:德国为乌克兰再订购 17 套 IRIS-T 防空系统 Read More »


https://www.voanews.com/a/ukrainian-foreign-minister-dmytro-kuleba-has-resigned-parliamentary-official-says-/7770740.html Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba submitted his resignation Wednesday as part of an expected government reshuffle. Parliamentary Speaker Ruslan Stefanchuk posted Kuleba’s resignation letter on Facebook. Lawmakers are expected to consider the resignation of multiple officials, including the deputy prime minister and the justice minister, with new appointments coming Thursday, officials said. Kuleba, who …

英语:乌克兰外长提交辞呈 Read More »

英语:马斯克的Starlink将遵守法官的命令,在巴西屏蔽 X

Source: Musk’s Starlink will comply with judge’s order to block X in Brazil Elon Musk’s satellite-based internet service provider Starlink backtracked Tuesday and said it will comply with a Brazilian Supreme Court justice’s order to block the billionaire’s social media platform, X. In a statement posted on X, Starlink said it will heed Justice Alexandre …

英语:马斯克的Starlink将遵守法官的命令,在巴西屏蔽 X Read More »


Source: Nvidia (NVDA) Subpoenaed by Justice Department in Antitrust Investigation – Bloomberg The US Justice Department sent subpoenas to Nvidia Corp. and other companies as it seeks evidence that the chipmaker violated antitrust laws, an escalation of its investigation into the dominant provider of AI processors. The DOJ, which had previously delivered questionnaires to companies, is now …

英语:英伟达在反垄断调查中被司法部传唤 Read More »


Source: “Der gefährlichste Mann Europas”: Internationale Medien haben Angst vor Höcke Ausländische Medien schlagen nach Björn Höckes Wahlerfolg in Thüringen Alarm. Obwohl Rechtspopulisten auch in anderen Ländern in den vergangenen Jahren Erfolge feiern konnten, weckt der Sieg eines Rechtsextremisten mit Blick auf die deutsche NS-Vergangenheit besondere Ängste. Selbst aus Frankreich, wo vor Kurzem die Regierungsverantwortung der rechtspopulistischen Marine …

德语:“欧洲最危险的人”:国际媒体害怕霍克 Read More »


Source: Sorry not sorry, says Mongolia after failure to arrest Putin – POLITICO Apologies everyone, our hands are kinda tied. That’s the message from Mongolia’s government after it failed on Monday to execute an international arrest warrant against Russian President Vladimir Putin as he landed in the country for an official visit. In a statement to POLITICO …

英语:未能逮捕普京后蒙古表示抱歉 Read More »


Source: Zelensky: Russian ballistic missile strike in Poltava killed 41 people and wounded more than 180 In Poltava, 41 people were killed and more than 180 wounded as a result of a Russian attack with two ballistic missiles. According to Ukrinform, President Volodymyr Zelensky announced this on Facebook. “I received preliminary reports on the Russian strike …

英语:俄罗斯弹道导弹袭击波尔塔瓦,造成51人死亡、200多人受伤 Read More »


Source: Justicia venezolana emite orden de captura contra excandidato opositor Edmundo González La justicia venezolana emitió una orden de captura contra el excandidato presidencial de la oposición, Edmundo González Urrutia, en medio de una investigación fiscal por la divulgación de las actas de las elecciones del 28 de julio. La fiscalía investiga al embajador retirado, …

西语:委内瑞拉司法部门对前反对派候选人埃德蒙多·冈萨雷斯发出逮捕令 Read More »


Source: Netherlands providing Ukraine with new aid package worth more than EUR 200M Prime Minister of the Netherlands Dick Schoof announced a new aid package worth more than €200 million for Ukraine during his visit to Zaporizhzhia on Monday, September 2. The minister posted this on social media platform X, Ukrinform reports. “We must do everything …

英语:荷兰向乌克兰提供价值超过2亿欧元的新援助计划 Read More »